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"Elena. I need you to be at the charity event by two. You got it?" My father asked through the phone, it was 2 in the freaking morning.

"Yeah daddy. I got it. Where's the event?" I asked.

"Las Vegas. I sent the jet and Tomas to the airport. Pack up and I'll send a cab to pick you up when you land," He replied.

I sighed. "Alright daddy, but Barley's coming with me, seeing as it is the worlds largest dog charity event," I said through the phone, hanging up.

I set the phone on the coffee table and went to my small bedroom. Clothes were strewn all over the place, and stuffed animal stuffing all over the room.

I stepped over all the crap piled in my room and reached the closet. Which, sadly, was the only neat thing in this apartment. I grabbed jeans and shirts and tossed them in my old suit case. Dad had made it clear I was to were a nice dress for the event, but I was thinking shorts and a tank top. It was more my style, and it was a charity event. I'm not supposed to dress like I' m going to go have tea with the queen.

I grabbed some shoes and more clothes and tossed them messily into my suitcase. Seeing as it was stuffed, I pounced on the bag. Cramming everything in and trying my best to zip it shut. Finally it zipped. I should've just folded everything, but that's to much work.

Next I grabbed Barley's little bag and stuffed a few toys and an extra collar in it, along with his favorite blanket. I heard a honk out the window and looked down. The cab was here.

I groaned and slipped on shoes. I hooked Barley's leash to his collar and grabbed my bags. On the way out I grabbed my phone and wallet and rushed down the stairs and dashing out the door. I got in the back and shoved Barley in with me.

"Uhm. ma'am, I don't allow dogs in my car,"

"Aw fudge," I muttered. "Here," I said, handing him 50 bucks extra. "Please?" I added.

"Yep, okay, where we off to?" He said.

"Airport," I told him.

We drove in silence the rest of the way.


"Miss, we've arrived," The cab driver said, shaking me awake. "Oh, crap, yeah I'm up," I said getting up. My hair was still up in a bun and Barley was passed out snoring beside me.

I clipped his leash to his collar and got out. Dragging my bags out of the cab. I then proceeded to go up to the airport, go aorund the back, and get on my private jet.

"Hello miss Sacha, I see you've brought Barley," My dads butler, Tomas, said.

"Yup! I can't live with out my baby," I said, kissing my dogs head and scratching his ears.

"Just make sure it doesn't pee on the couch again," He said, walking to the front where to tell we were ready for take off.

Barley began pacing around the cab, so I tossed him his toy. I eventually fell asleep, but was awoken by the pacing again. "Dear God Barley! Just lay down!" I exclaimed. He did as told, but continued whining. "You want your blankie?" I asked, his ears perked.

I rolled my eyes and reached up for his bag, throwing the blanket at the dog. I put it back up and turned on the tv. I put a movie in, which happened to be Grown Ups 2. I loved this movie.

I figured I wasn't going back to sleep, so for the next hour I watched the movie.

"Miss, we're almost landed, it's 1 o'clock. I suggest you change into your clothing now," He said, and I looked down.

I was still in my Tweety Bird pajama pants and an old bahamas tshirt I stole from my moms closet years ago. "Yeah, okay," I muttered, getting up.

I picked up my suitcase and rummaged through it, searching for my old Daughtry tee. I found my ripped shorts, and went into the back to change. I exited the bathroom and we were about to land. I locked Barley in his travel carrier and buckled up my seat while we landed.


"Elena! I would like you to meet someone," My dad said when I got there.

"I thought I told you to wear a dress, and why'd you bring the dumb dog," He added, through gritted teeth.

"1. I don't do dresses, and it's a charity event! 2. It's a dog charity event. and he's not dumb," I replied.

"Okay, well I'd like you to meet Harry, Harry Styles," He said, showing me the person who I just noticed was beside him.

"Hello Styles, I'm Elena Sacha," I said, and put my hand out for him to shake.

"Well Elena, I'll leave you two, I've got buisness to take care off," My father said, waving and walking off.

"Well fudge you too dad," I muttered. "Why don't you just say 'fuck'?" Harry asked, which startled me. I'd forgotten he was even there.

"Because it's rude," I said.

He shook his head and chuckled. "Follow me, I'm going to go take Barley to meet some people and animals," I said, kissing Barley on the nose. I heard Harry gag in the background, which caused a laugh to erupt from my throat.

"Fuck you Sacha," He said. "Language Styles. And It's Elena, I prefer to be called by my first name," I said.

"So would I Sacha," He said, smirking.

This was going to be the longest day of my life.

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