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His lips curled into a smile that to anyone who wasn't Grace, would've seemed sadistic, but she knew, the smile was one of glee. Jesse was happy and Grace could always tell when he was happy. He had a peculiar way about him, from the way his long fingers dragged over her skin constantly as if he needed to be touching her to ensure her presence was real. To the way his voice sounded like gravel being crunched underfoot. Nothing about him was pleasing to anyone but Grace. He was reckless and mean, with little regard for the feelings of others, not even Grace's. Still, she loved him. He had just wanted a good fuck. Nothing but a one-night stand, a body to grab. A flower to pluck, but she wanted deep love, her name projecting itself on every rib he carried. Her voice pounding in his ears like an early morning hangover that never fades away while his name echoes in her heart from the lust that he exudes. He has desire foaming on the tip of his tongue with sugar coated words rolling off his tongue, when she is breaking her bones, turning herself blue and bruised trying to swallow the lust lumped in the back of his throat. She had convinced him to hang around for longer than he had wanted, she had convinced him that she was worth fucking more than once.

That smile, the one that wasn't really sadistic, Grace had placed it upon his lips the way one would place a stamp on an important letter, carefully, making sure the edges lined up. Shehad told a joke she'd found on the internet, one that she knew would make himgrin. His hand was on her thigh again, so he knew she was there, his other handhad a cigarette, one that he'd forgotten about, the ash at the burning end wasdeep and hot, its was dangerously close to falling onto his leg. A small chuckle burst from his lips unexpected, like a child running onto a busy street, it was alarming and unusual. Grace swelled with pride, Jesse never laughed at her jokes, he never laughed, unless he was being cruel. Quickly her pride switched to panic, did he actually find the joke funny? Or had she missed something? Was he laughing with her or at her?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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