One : First Time, First Experience

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Seoul, the capital of South Korea, is a huge metropolis that is buzzing with cars and people all around. There is never a time when Seoul is quiet and peaceful. Everything here is a mixture of smokes from the cars, loud people, booming music everywhere and a trail of food that you can never recognize where is it coming from. In short, Seoul is a city that not even natives living there could get used to it. That is why the moment Jimin steps out of the taxi and paid the driver, he slowly takes everything in. His mouth wide open as his eyes search widely that's happening in front of his eyes. After a few minutes observing, he snaps out of his trance and starts to fumble his pocket in order to search for the map to his destination, BigHit Entertainment.

He surprisingly got accepted to this company although his audition didn't go exactly what he wanted. He hopes to himself that no one actually feel unsatisfied or angry at that fact he got accepted even though he fails really badly. His anxiety during his audition went overdrive and he messed up his steps and cracked his voice. He don't think that he never felt much more ashamed at that time. It was embarrassing but he managed to hold his tears. Though as soon as he got home he buried himself under the blanket and cried to sleep.

He sighs again when he remembered his moment during the audition and shakes his head for those horrible moment to disappear. What's important now is that he have to go to BigHit Entertainment and meet his boss. He quickened his steps and pass through the sea of people. It feels like hours but it's actually only for a few minutes for Jimin to find the company. He smiles brightly when he sees the logo on the building and try to smoothed his clothes and take a deep breath. With a quiet 'fighting!' inside his mind, he opens the door and enters quietly.

As soon as he enters, he saw one huge man (or maybe not really huge, after all he's just tiny) that's furiously typing on his phone. His aura made Jimin got nervous and he clears his throat to get this man attention. The man heard him and snaps his head to Jimin that Jimin fears the man might snap his neck pretty soon. He slowly goes to Jimin who's standing and fidgeting at the atmosphere in this place. When the man stood in front of him, Jimin actually have to crane his neck to look up since he's much taller than what he actually looks like from far!

"Are you the new trainee, Park Jimin?" the man asks while observing him from up to toe. This action made Jimin much more nervous than before and he tries to compose himself and softly answered, "Yes, that's me."

The man crossed his arms and nodded to himself while still continuing observing Jimin. "I'm sorry if I made you nervous, my name is Kim Sejin and I will be your group head manager from now on." he said and shakes with Jimin hand.

Jimin nodded and answered, "It's okay and I'm Park Jimin from Busan." Jimin thought this person might be much nicer than he thought.

But wait, what did he mean by 'your group head manager'? He never heard of that since he remember what's written on the letter is that he's still going to be a trainee for a long time. Group? Like boy group? No no, he's too nervous and awkward for human interactions!

Jimin peeks up and asked the manager, "What do you mean by group head manager? I will be a trainee for a long time and I have no desire to debut in a group." He hesitantly asks the manager with his face scrunched up.

The manager sighs at his question and looks away from Jimin. "You have to ask our boss for that one. I'm going to show you to his office." he said and walks forward leaving Jimin flabbergasted. Then he snaps out of his trance and quickly follow his new manager.

Jimin observes his surrounding and seems to amazed at everything he sees. The place is actually larger than it looks though it looks pretty cramped since there are a lot of rooms that it's almost impossible to count! The manager walks at fast pace and Jimin prays to God that he's not late even though the manager haven't said anything. He looks at his watch and found out that he's earlier by 5 minutes. Then what's the reason behind his manager rushing? Maybe he came here at the wrong time? Jimin settles with that and tries to calm himself before he gets panic attack.

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