"It Will Be Okay."

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Wendy's (POV)

It was 7:30 at night, and I was in my room texting away at my phone. I knew I had to get going soon, but I decided to wait a while before doing anything. You see, I had a date that night with Robbie, but he has a history of standing me up. So this time I decided to wait a while before leaving, to see if he was actually going to be there or not. Robbie had band practice that night, but promised to finish in time for our date. I looked at my clock and saw it was 8:10PM. I thought now would be a good time to get going. I put my phone away, and grabbed my jacket. It maybe summer, and it's still cold at night. I said goodbye to my dad and left for my date.

Robbie told me to wait for him at the park bench. When I finally find it a few minutes later, I sat down and waited. And waited. And waited some more.


It started raining. I sighed and hugged myself for warmth. It was cold enough with out the rain stepping in. A gust of wind came flooding at me, blowing my hat right off my head. I sighed again. I decided to text Robbie to see where he was. But I never got a response. I was yet again, stood up by the one I call my boyfriend, Robbie. Of course. It didn't help that I was cold, soaked, and tired. I sighed and went to get up, until... I heard something.

"Wendy, what are you doing out here in the rain?" A voice asked. I turned to see Dipper there soaked just like I was. I can tell by the look in his eyes that he was concerned for me. Like Robbie never is. I look away from him, and stare at the ground.

Dipper's (POV)

By the way Wendy looked at me, I saw hurt in her eyes. I gulped and walk up to her, putting my hand on her shoulder. She turned to me, and I spoke up.

"Wendy, what happened?" I asked concerned. She sighed and spoke up in a shaky voice.

"I was waiting for Robbie to show up, but he stood me up." I could tell she was holding back tears. I saw that she was soaked head to toe. Her hat was even missing. I took off my vest and hat, and wrapped my vest around Wendy. I put my hat on her head and spoke up.

"To help keep you warm." I patted her back.

"Dipper, I have a jacket, you need these more than me."

"I've been through worse, don't worry about me." I smiled. She looked down at the ground before smiling back at me.

"What are you doing out here anyway, Dipper?" She asked.

"Oh, I was on a monster hunt, until it started raining." She nodded.

"Hey, since we both know Robbie won't show up, why don't I take you home?" I asked holding out my hand to her. She sighed and nodded. She took my hand and squeezed it tight. This made me blush of course. She then lead the way down the street until we made it to her house. When we got there, there was a note on the door. Wendy took off the note, and read it aloud.

"Hey sweetie, your brother's and I are going camping so you'll be home alone for a few days. Sorry we didn't tell you earlier. Love dad." Wendy read. I felt a sense of sorrow for her, knowing that she was just stood up, and no one at home to comfort her.

"Wendy, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Come on let's go dry off." She opened the door for us. I nodded at her and we went inside, dripping with rain water.

"I'll be right back, I'll get use some towels and clean clothes." I nodded again and sat down on a wooden chair. One minute later, Wendy comes back into the room with towels and clothes. She sits down on the couch and pats a seat for me next to her. I get up and walk over to her. She hands me some clothes and a towel.

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