Demi Lovato broken

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Everyone knows the story of Demi Lovato and how she went to rehab. Well Demi decided to adopt a girl and suffers a major injury and doesn't know if her parents and family will still love her after what happens.


My life is horrible and I thought about ending it multiple times but didn't because of one girl named Demi Lovato. I am 14 years old have blondish/brownish hair green eyes and a abusive dad. When I was 8 years old exactly 6 years ago today my mom died. Her and I were trying to escape my dad but we got caught in a blizzard and when I got thrown out of the car my mom was stuck in the car and slid under a huge truck and had died on impact. My mom was the best mom I could ask for but after she died my dad became a even meaner person then he was and he started to abuse me. I eventually just started crying and decided to pack a small bag and leave. All I grabbed was my tooth brush a few clothes and pictured of me and my mom. When I walked down the stairs I saw my dad passed out on the couch with 10 bottles around him. I ran outside and eventually collapsed because of pure exhaustion. When I looked around I saw I was I front of a white mansion with a bug black gate surrounding it. Then I felt someone put there hand on my shoulder and they said sweetie are you ok? I looked up and saw a girl with short blue hair and a leather jacket. As soon as I saw her face completely I realized it was Demi Lovato and I almost passed out.


I had a week off of work so I invited my mom two sisters and step dad so we could spend some family time together. Maddie and I decided to go outside and play basketball even though it was like 10 o'clock at night. When I looked over to my left I saw this girl that was probably 14 or 15 lying on the road so I ran over to her. Sweetie what's wrong ? I asked. She looked at me like I was crazy but then had the biggest smile on her face when she realized who I was. She said nothing and got up to walk away but I grabbed her wrist before she could get away. She started screaming at me to let go but I said no. I don't know why but I felt connected to her and even though she was kicking and punching me I didn't let go. After she kicked me really hard I started to fight back and then we were both on the ground almost killing each other. Next thing I knew my older sister Dallas was pulling this girl off of me and my dad was pulling me off if her. I was stilling trying to get out of his grip but it was no work so I just gave up. I felt really bad because I was bipolar and I can't really control myself when I get angry. The girl apologized to me first and then I said I was sorry to. My dad and Dallas went back inside but were still watching us. Umm so what's your name? I asked the girl now pretty curious. It's chloe she said. Oh well I'm De- ya Demi lovato I know who you are she said cutting me off. After about a half an hour of talking I asked if she wanted to stay the night and she said sure.


Demi and I were talking and then she asked me to tell her why I was outside all alone. I just decided to tell her my story not even caring if I could trust her or not. Well my name is chloe Jefferson, I am 14 and I was trying to run away from my dad but I got tired. My mother died when I was 8 in a car crash and my dad put the blame on me and started to abuse me really bad. When my mom died we were trying to escape my farther but after she died I had to go back to him. My dad stopped loving me and he would hide all the food so I couldn't eat and when I would try and sneak it he would burn me with a lighter. By the time I finished my story Demi was in tears and so was I.


After hearing Chloe's story I couldn't help but cry and now that I feel 10 times worse that I got into a fight with her. Oh my god Chloe I am so sorry I didn't mean to fight with you and I didn't know that's what was going on and I am so sorry. I was practically balling now. After both of us calmed down I asked Chloe If she had any questions and she said yes. Ok what is it? I asked. Do you have any food? She asked. Yes I do what would you like? Anything I'm starving she said and I laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2014 ⏰

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