Wild Man Zorzan.

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This place is truly amazing! The trees, the creatures, the fresh air...you've always been fond of nature. Ever since you were a young girl and that's what lead you to becoming an animal researcher in the first place. Most of your family tried to talk you out of it, especially your big brother, Killer but to no avail.

So here you are now on an island far from home, surrounded by nothing but jungle life. Due to the dangers you may face here, Killer had tagged along with you. Bringing his poacher friend, Eustass Kid along with him because the redhead knows how to use a gun.

Of course, this irritated you. You wanted to study the animals here, not harm them! But Killer wouldn't have it any other way. Honestly, there's protective big brothers, and then there's pests. You decide it's best if you just keep your distance from his asshole friend during your time here.

Gathering up your sketchpad and notebook, you travel into the woodland. A few animals making subtle noises in the distance but it doesn't seem like any want to come into view, you begin to think this was a wasted journey. Well until something startles your soul out of your body. A vicious chill racking up your spine as something falls down, almost landing on you. 

A chimp? Never panic in the presence of a wild animal.

You silently remind yourself, forcing your calm posture as you straighten yourself up and look down at the 'chimp'. A wave of embarrassment washing over you as your eyes set on a simple fruit.

"Must have fell from a tree..." You begrudgingly mumble, your voice falling silent as movement from elsewhere catches your attention, you notice a small shrug rustling rapidly before a small baboon jumps out in front of you and reaches for the fruit. The little guy was wary of your presence, kept glancing up at you but he didn't seem too fearful. 

"Oh my God..." Whispering your sentence, you slowly take out your sketchpad and open it onto a fresh page, the baboon looks up at you curiously upon hearing the flipping of pages but doesn't move, giving you the chance to do a rough sketch of him. Peaking up from your pad as you try to finish off the final details, you find that the little guy has vanished, leaving only the fruit behind.

I suppose I should just be grateful that I even got to see him.

Small touches on your spine causes your head to whip round, only for your eyes to be greeted by the small baboon's face as he leans over your shoulder. "Oh, there you are!" You cheerfully hum, showing the baby baboon your sketch.

It isn't every day you have the opportunity to make friends with a baboon, right? Although, you come to regret the action when the little shit grabs your sketchpad and whips it right out of your hands before taking off deeper into the jungle. Out of pure instinct, you run after him, knowing that there's other sketches in that book, all rated to your research. And in total, they date back over 4 years, to when you first found this job. You have no intention of losing it all.

"Get back here!" You yell, managing to corner the baboon. Without wasting another second, you harshly snatch your sketchpad from his hands, causing the little guy--no, little shit, to throw a tantrum, a frown etching into your features at the scene. "Honestly, you're as bad as a human child. You can't always get what you want, ya know? I'm sure your parents would agree!"

However, when a feral growl emerges from behind you, your stomach just about falls into your thighs, your head swinging around to spot many adult baboons, all looking completely pissed. There's at least 50, all gathered around you.

I'm so dead.

Despite your complete and utter terror, you couldn't stop talking, it was as if your mouth all of a sudden has a mind of it's own. "C-Clearly they agree. I'm s-sure you raise him right..." You stutter out, slowly backing away from them. Of course, the parent pounces right for you, only narrowly missing you because you decided to run, a high-pitched scream tearing from your throat.

Zorzan. {Roronoa Zoro x Reader} Crack!OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now