chapter 1

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Who am I? I don't know. I don't know why I'm kept in a cold room with no windows and just one door. I don't have a bed I don't have anything in here. No sink no chair I don't even have my own clothes. I don't see many people, apart from my 'doctor'. I know people can see me.

This cold dark damp room is all I've ever known. To be honest, I've lost track of time. I have no idea how old I am or what I look like. Why am I here?

I woke up with a start. I started to become more aware of the freezing cold floor beneath me. The grey steel door opened. An indian women with her silky black hair in a low ponytail strutted in. Her black stilettos making a horribly loud noise against the concrete floor.

"Heart beat increasing in pace. Eye pupils dialect."

She stepped back from me. Stared at me and then quickly scribbled something down on her clipboard.

"Dr Shaw!" She called out. A tall grey haired man walked in. I recognised him as my 'doctor'. He scared me. His stern face. The way he talked to me. Like I was an object.
"Anything new with it Miss Safdar?"

"Nothing Dr. Still in shock as ever." Miss Safdar replied.

"Hm...... Give me a few minutes with her" he said.

I swallowed hard my lips were dry and my throat soar. He walked over to me and beckoned Miss Safdar to leave. He brought up a chair as the the door shut. He sat down facing me. He leaned in closer.

"What did you dream about last night?" He asked. I didn't reply. I didn't want to. The things that haunted my dreams........ I couldn't think of them let alone talk about them. I could see Dr Shaw getting angry. His fingers started to grip the chair. His face went calm. And then he asked again.
"What did you dream about?"
I shook my head. I kept on shaking it. Almost trying to shake the images out of my head.
"No.... I can't" I mumbled.
I saw doctor Shaw's face turn in to a frown and then he began to lose it. He stood up suddenly. He lifted the chair he was sitting in and threw it across the room. I flinched at the sound of the chair hitting the wall.

"15 years!" He spat. "15 years I have tried to get one word out of you! But you keep your little mouth shut!" I curled up into a ball. I new doctor Shaw could get angry but this was beyond what I'd seen. He crouched down so that we were face to face.
"What did you dream about?!"
I glared at him and folded my arms over my chest. He calmly stood up, straitened his jacket and walked out the room.

I pulled my feet up to my chest and began to cry silently into my knees. I began to remember my dream as clear as if it happened in real life.

I was standing in a clearing with green things around me. They looked like the things Mr Shaw showed me in a picture. Trees? I was wearing a white garment and there was something about the trees. Its as if I was bending them to my will. Everything was....was....beautiful. The trees the light. Then suddenly i could hear a horrible screeching sound. Everything I saw or touched turned to black soot. And that's all I remember.

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