Return to the Cove

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Later on that morning after Kyla finished her crafts class she made her way over to the theatre to start her first Olivia-free day. All of a sudden she heard Jace calling her name from behind. She turned to look and see Jace running to catch up to her on the path. "Hey pretty girl" Jace said to her as he got up next to her.

Kyla was just about to greet him back when the two of them were distracted by the sound of a car speeding through the drive headed out of camp. They looked and saw a trail of dust behind a car, it was Olivia's car. Jace looked at Kyla with a big smile and then through his hand up in the air saying "Bye Felecia!" knowing that she wouldn't hear him, but might just see him with his hand raised if she was looking back in her mirror. Kyla joined the fun and said "Yeah bye, and don't comeback... Ever... Again...."

They both laughed as they got closer to the theatre, Kyla locked her arm around Jace's arm as they walked up to the door. The two of them walked in together, Jace held the door open for Kyla as she walked through. The students gathered at the front of the stage and the front of the first row of seats in the audience. Jace tossed some items down and checked his watch before clapping a few times to get everyone's attention. "As you can tell I'm not Olivia Evans...." Kyla whispered a comment to herself, "thank God!" as Jace continued to explain what the next few days would consist of and that next week they all had a treat instore for themselves. Jace informed the class that they would work on the group numbers and work on the choreography that went along with them and next week Jennifer Tarran would focus on the individual dancers.

As the students were walking on stage Sara came up to Kyla and told her she was sorry about what had happened and she knew that Olivia was being mean to Kyla and probably picked her over Kyla because of her jealousy. Sara even offered Kyla the part to the main dancer, but Kyla politely complemented her back and told her that she was a great dancer as well. Kyla told her that she had done that dance last week at camp and wanted to do something different this time. The group took their places on stage and worked through several numbers in class.

After dance was over the two of them hugged and went their separate ways and planned to meet up at lunch or the lake for water sports. Jace went to take care of some office and administrative things and begin to think about what he would pack in his back pack later this evening to take to the cove for another unofficial date with Kyla. Kyla grabbed some lunch with some of the girls from her cabin. She didn't know as many students as she did the first three weeks of camp, but the group of girls she roomed with were really nice and included her.

On the way over to the softball field Kyla met a group of students that were also heading to the field also. Kyla recognized a few of their names but didn't know all of their names. One of the guys in the group went right up to Kyla and complemented her on her pitching. Kyla was appreciative, but the guy seemed a little over zealous and didn't know how to stay out of the personal space bubble. Kyla thanked him, but kinda withdrew back from him in the group as she moved to another side of the group as they walked. Not knowing his name Kyla listened carefully to the others hoping to pick up his name without having to ask. Finally someone called him "Tim" and she had his name now.

After softball Kyla went and changed into her swimsuit and headed to watersports. On the way over Kyla heard her name being call, but didn't recognize it as Jace's voice. She turned to see a familiar face, her new friend Tim from softball was running up behind her. "Wait up Kyla!" he shouted as he ran toward her. Kyla didn't feel the need to wait for him, she had other thoughts of seeing Jace as soon as possible. She pretended to stop and wait but she really just slowed her walk down a little.

"Hi Tim" Kyla greeted him as he trotted up next to her. Once again she found her personal space limits being tested as he nudged up should to shoulder next to her. "We both have the same tracks in the afternoon" he awkwardly started the conversation with her. "Yeah, I guess we do" Kyla agreed. Putting it together, Kyla remember that he was the same boy that came up to her on Monday and asked if she had a partner yet for canoes.

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