Chapter 2: Suffer with me!!

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A few weeks pass by since the Incident at Downtown Zootopia Zorro has been in a coma for three weeks now and hasn't moved since that day

Judy & Nick: Judy walks out for a flower shop with a bouquet of flowers then walks to the car where Nick is waiting for her and gets in and closes the car door then Nick drives to the Zootopia hospital where Zorro is

Judy: Looks at the flowers then looks at Nick as he has a serious face and is focusing on the road ".......Nick?"

Nick: Doesn't say a word and doesn't look at Judy just keeps focusing on the road and with a serious face and sighs

While driving to the hospital Nick gets a Text message from his old friend from the police academy but doesn't look at it then they get close to the hospital and as they arrive there's a bunch of ZBI cars parked outside the Zootopia hospital then nick finds a parking spot and parks the car then a ZBI agent walks to them as they get out of the car

ZBI agent: " can't park here.....this is a restricted parking zone..."

Judy: "We're ZPD officer's" takes out her ZPD badge and shows it to the ZBI agent then looks at Nick "Nick....Nick show him your badge."

Nick: Looks at the ZBI Agent with a angry serious look and doesn't say nothing

Judy: Looks at Nick "Nick!"

Nick: Snaps out of it "Huh what?" looks at Judy

Judy: "Your it to him"

Nick: Looks at the ZBI agent then takes out his ZPD badge and shows it to the ZBI agent

ZBI Agent: Looks at both Judy's and Nick's Badge "Sorry but I can't let you pass I'm under strict orders not to let anyone in the hospital"

Judy: "But....."

ZBI agent: "I'm sorry Ms.Hopps But I can't allow anyo-...."

Jack Savage: "It's ok agent they're with me..."

ZBI Agent: Looks at Jack Savage "You sure sir?"

Jack Savage: "Are you questioning my authority agent?" Looks at him with a menacing stare

ZBI Agent: Looks at Jack Savage and gets nervous and scared then salutes him showing him respect "Uh n-no sir not a-at all..."

Jack Savage: " as you were..."

ZBI Agent: Walks away

Jack Savage: Looks at Judy "Officer Hopps..." looks at Nick "officer Wildes...."

Judy: Looks at him with a serious face "Jack...."

Nick: Looks at him but doesn't say nothing just keeps staring at him

Jack Savage: Stares back at him "Well....shall we?" Walks to the hospital

Nick & Judy: They both follow Jack to the hospital then someone from behind Nick yells at him

????: "Nick...yo Nick!!!"

Nick: Looks back and sees his old friend from the police academy " that you?"

Mike: Runs up to Nick then stands in front of Nick "I heard what happened to he ok?"

Nick: Looks at him then looks down a bit sad "I....I don't know...."

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