The visitors

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I opened the door slowly as it was pouring rain and I saw 3 girls soaking wet...

Yn:Um can we help you?

???: c-can y-ou let us in p-please?

So I opened the door because they looked "nice" and i felt bad because they were wet and cold!
I gave then hot cocoa and blankets and we calmly sat around the warm fire

???:thank you so much ma'am

Yn:my name is Yn!Ma'am makes me feel old..Anyway what's your names?

Kay:I'm Kay

Gelissa:I'm gelissa...

Alisha:and I'm Alisha

Yn:Nice to meet you guys! Do you want to stay here for a while? A heard a criminal is on the loose..
I thought of what happend two years before....I shivered at the thought....

Alisha:um HELLO?!?

Yn: oh yeah!im sorry I was....thinking?yeah....

Princeton:you okay baby?need anything?

Yn:I'm fine I'm fine! I'm going to sleep y'all....
Today was a long day so I decided to go and hit the sack!I looked over and everyone else was fast asleep

Yn:well damn....

I'm sorry I haven't updated in like...a year? but imma start again munchies! LUV YEW and sorry it's so short

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