A Week of Sonic

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Announcer(anime girl): well good morning my darlings~! I'm Tina the Fairy! Today we'll be taking a look at a day in Sonic's life. So just sit back, relax and enjoy- -looks around- excuse me what'd you say? -looks at you- oh...you have to use the bathroom. -giggles then looks demonic- YOU WILL STAY THERE AND READ THE REST OF THIS BOOK!!!!! I DONT GIVE A SHIT IF YOU PISS ON YOURSELF!!!! STAY THERE AND REEEEEEEEEEEAAAAD!!!!!! -goes back to normal and looks adorable- shall we -giggles, appears in Sonics bedroom window- ahhh yes, our story begins in the home of nobody else then Sonic the Hedgehog! He's so cute isn't he?! Anyway it's all about to start once our main character wakes up....

Sonic: -half way on the bed as he's sleeping and snoring really loud-

Tina: -looks around his room which is full of blue, the walls, door and dresser is all blue- jeez for a hedgehog as cocky as he is it's so blue in here


-a cricket chirps of silence*

Tina: -_______- fine! Anyway our blue hero- ugh! Fuck it lets do this! -crawls through his window, grabs a megaphone out her bra and puts it up to his ear- WAKE UP!!!!!! GET THE HELL UP!!!!!!

Sonic: -screams as he rolls onto the floor-


Silver: -runs down the hall to his room looking scared- Sonic are you ok?!?!

Shadow:-kicks down his door and slowly walks to them looking pissed- why the fuck is there so much YELLING IN THIS HOUSE?!?!

Silver: Sonic just fell

Shadow: so...what?!

Sonic: I'm fine, it was that fairy that- -points to the fairy but nobody's there-

Silver: what fairy?

Sonic: there's was a fairy...j-just a moment ago

Tina: -hiding in the closet and looks at you- shhhh~

Shadow: has Amy been chasing you around with her hammer again?

Sonic: no...not recently at least. Wait, Amy?! Oh crap! What time is it?!

Silver: 10:35

Sonic: I'M LATE!!!!!

Tina: ohh maybe i should've reminded him about that, my bad

Sonic: -gets up but still has the cover on him then he falls-


Sonic: -gets up- i gotta go! Fast!!! -runs to the bathroom- Silver pick me out an outfit

Silver: might as well clean you're whole damn room -fixes his bed and pulls out an outfit-

Shadow: why do you help him? He's a grown man

Silver: so are you but you still ask me to wash your clothes, clean your dog cage, feed your chao-

Shadow: you can hush now!

*In the bathroom*

Sonic: -taking a shower-

Tina: -didn't know the camera was right there as she was sitting on the edge of the bath tub having a nosebleed, slowly looks at the camera and gasp blushing hard- o-oh! Hel-hello there! -giggles nervously- S-Sonic is just getting r-ready for his breakfast d-date with Am-

Sonic: -gets out the shower grabbing his towel-

Tina: -passes out and lands in the bathtub-

Sonic: -walks out the bathroom and walks to his roon closing the door-

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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