Chapter 4

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Chapter four: (Charlie)

As you may have notice, me and Skylar arent exactly what you would call normal teenage girls. I mean, dont get me wrong, we do shopping and going to starbucks a little more than we should but most girls dont know how to kill a guy with their bare hands. We do. And we will do it if neccessary.

You see, me and my twin are secret agents in training. Nobody expects juniors to steal back money from the mafia or to plant bugs on smuggling ships duisguised as cruises. Skylar and i do missions like that every once in awhile. Of course we are supervised by Ben and Maria since we aren't offcially secret agents.

Ben and Maria are our mentors. They basically teach us how to become ninjas. Its so awesome to have them as our teachers since they are only one year older than us and they go to our high school. But they go hard on us during practice. Thats where we were headed now. To Ninja Headquarters, as me and Skylar like to call it.

"Hurry up! We are going to be late... Again," i yell at Sky.

"Why are you yelling at me?! Im the one in front of you!"

"Oh shut up!"

We finally arrive at the end of the tunnel and place our hands on the scanners attached to the wall. The lazer beams run over our hand and slowly the door begins to open.

Suddenly the alarm goes off and the door shuts with a bang.

"Intruders! Intruders!" The robotic voice echoes throughout the tunnel. Me and Skylar look at each other, each of us wearing a look of confusion. We had been through this tunnel more times than we could count but now we were being branded as intruders! This was our tunnel.

"Quick! Get behind me! You are better with technology than I am so you get the door to open while I battle," I yelled.

"Since when am I good at technology?" Skylar gives me a confused look.

"You want to be an engineer right? Well start acting like one!!!" That got her moving and I readied myself, prepared to attack whatever would come at us.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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