You haven't?? | Chapter 3

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Hey new chapter.

Sorry for the long period of not uploading.


We shall begin.



"It's a secret"


"What do you mean it's a secret?" Shirayuki asked curiously.

"Uhhhhh" Obi panicked not knowing whether to obey his master or tell Shirayuki.


Then an idea came into Obi's mind.

"Shirayuki look up"

Looking up Obi jumped into the nearby and hid.


"Obi where are you?"


Shirayuki was confused about what just happened.

'Sorry Shirayuki' Obi thought guiltily.

Shirayuki got called by Ryuu so she left letting Obi come down from his hiding place.

"You owe me now Obi" Ryuu said scaring Obi.

"OH RYUU! Thanks. I do" Obi replied great-fully.

"Got to go and ask the master about what I should do." Obi said while leaving.

With Zen~

"Are you sure you should go with pink?" Mitsuhide asked

"No I guess not" Zen replied when a deep thinking look on his face.

"You should go with what you think is right" Kiki suggested. "After all, you're the one who knows her the best"

"I guess so but I'm unsure if she'll like it or not" Zen said looking very unsure if he should do what Kiki said.

"Look, I might seem not exactly like a girl but I understand that as a girl and having the person she likes making him a party to celebrate something is good enough. " Kiki said lecturing Zen.

"Alright alright thanks." Zen said.

I should maybe go for a blue and pink pastel theme.

He thought.

"Master" Obi called him.

"Yes Obi is there anything you need to tell me?" Zen answered.

"Um, Shirayuki keeps on asking where you are. She's worried that you might have left her-"

"WAIT WHAT ID NEVER LEAVE HER" Zen shouted and Mitsuhide, Obi and Kiki looked at him with their eyebrows raised.

Zen coughed. "I mean I wouldn't leave her"

"Well anyways Master Shirayuki and telling me to tell her about where you are." Obi told Zen.

"Oh I see, well I guess I haven't sent her any messages or anything saying where I've been."

"YOU HAVEN'T??" They all chorused together and surprise.

"I'd at least thought you'd send her some message or some sort." Mitsuhide said while scratching his head.

"Hehe sorry, I've been also covered with the paper work remember?" Zen said.

"Right but you're going to send her a message right now."


Zen took out his favourite pen and his best paper and started writing Shirayuki a letter.

Started like -

Dear my Shirayuki,

I'm sorry I have not send you any messages or not been seen around the castle. But in fact I'm in here. Just covered with a lot of paper work so I'm unfortunately not able to come and see you just yet until the court is happy with the work I have done.

I very much hope I am able to see you soon and that I can as soon as I get the court satisfied.

With much love,
Zen. Xox

"What do you think?" Zen asked.

"It's great now I'll get it get it delivered." Obi said and left out the window with the message.

Obi started looking for Shirayuki but couldn't find her.

Cliffhangers are baeeeee.

Sorry guys.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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