chapter 1- the sleepover

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Hi rosie!!! Could be heard coming from down the  highschool hallways. Rosie was one of the popular girls in school but you wouldn't believe me if I told you that we used to be very close,well we still kinda are... we talk everyone now and then,mostly just, "Hi",or "Hello and that's mostly it. If your wondering why we aren't so close anymore it's because of her popular new friends ,the popular kids have tooken over her life,and her personality,but tonight everything I hoped would be different,  I had been planning a sleepover  at my house for as long as I can remember,I had been planning it for rosie's birthday but I hadn't exactly told rosie about it yet but I was sure she would agree to it, after all  I was her  best friend right???


After school when everyone was leaving and saying goodbye  to rosie I checked to see if she was alone and to my suprise she was and I finally had a chance to ask her about the sleepover and  as I walked over to her I noticed her   waiting for me to catch up and when I caught up I  asked her and she hesitated  before agreeing ,so I gave her an invitation and I left. I was a little  suprised that she agreed , I thought she would have had somewhere to go to since she was so popular and it was her birthday,but that thought didn't stay in my mind for to long because a soon as I walked away I pulled out my phone and started to make a list of what I was getting for the sleepover tonight.

Grocery list
~scary  movies

I also had to order pizza but I waited till everyone got here to order it so I can know what toppings everyone wanted and I also invited a few other friends  over that used to be close friends with rosie so we could all catch up and talk . When everyone got there we opened up the snacks,soda and I got what toppings everyone wanted and  ordered the pizza,in about 15 minutes the pizza was here. I looked out the window and saw a teenage boy walk up to our door he was  about 6'0 feet , had short Hair that stopped just above his eyes and he spoke in a tired raspy voice,he seemed to be in a rush so I took the pizza and payed him and he left quickly. After I got the pizza we went into the dining room area and ate. After that we watched the scary movies I  had bought we had to choose out of  "oculus","freddy kreuger",or "Forget me not they were all good movies but we had to go with Freddy Krueger because it was a classic and it never gets old so I put the movie on and went into the kitchen to fix popcorn. When the pop corn was done I took the bowl into the living room and sat it on the coffee table we had in our living room ,my parents weren't home because they had a date night so we were in the house alone. We ate popcorn and watched a movie ,but about an hour later everyone was tired of watching scary movies  and wanted to do something else so we decided to play truth or dare.

              chapter2-the game
Lala told us that we were going to put a twist on the game ,she dared us all to go to a house that was said to murder who ever lived or stepped foot into it,of course we didn't believe her even though people had died in the house before but we didn't believe that the house murdered them so we all agreed to go ,since we were in highschool we were able to drive ourself so lanae drove us there,as we drove down the road it was quiet so quiet that you could here a pen drop ,there was no cars ,no body on the street no cars or anything. It looked like something out of a scary movie. As We pulled up to the house i noticed that every window was either broken or cracked,in some kind of way. It was night time so it was really windy and all I had on was sleeping shorts and a tshirt,but since we were already here ,we weren't going home now, as we walked onto the front yard I thought I saw someone in the window of the second floor of the house ,so I got a little scared than I already was ,but I didn't want to seem like a loser so I went on with the dare. We walked up to the 2 big doors that lead into the house ,something about that house  gave off a bad vibe to me ,as we walked onto the porch the old wood creaked ,the abandoned house gave me the creeps but as dumb as I was I still went on with the dare ,when we reached the door everyone stopped and looked at each other like "who's going to open the door" ? "I'm not opening it" rosie said as if she read our minds. Lala volunteered to open it but before even opening the door ,it slowly creaked open,we all stood there in silence looking at each other like "what just happened "? But lanae laughed and said "guys it was probably just the wind" so we took her word for it and walked into the front door. Inside the house was a mess with old furniture , glass from the broken windows, and dead leaves were everywhere .

We looked around and as we walked around the house I thought I saw something bolt across the room and hide in a dark corner but when I walked over to it there was nothing there . We decided to go to the next floor and check out the room . We explored the house them we made the biggest mistake that everyone makes in scary movies,we split up it was the worst idea but we weren't thinking,so I decided to go to 3rd floor and look at the rooms so I walked up the old stairs ,with each step I thought the  stairs would fall in, they creaked as I walked up them  I got to the 3rd floor I saw a room at the far end of the hall I slowly walked down the hall towards the room .I got to the end of the hallway and started to open the door that's when I heard someone crying it sounded like at little girl I followed the sound and it lead to another room across the hall of the room I was in ,i slowly reached for the gold doorknob and opened the door ,inside the room was an old wooden bed,some girl toys and a mirror as I walked into the room the crying lead to a corner,I hesitantly walked over to the corner , that was a big mistake when I looked into the corner there was a little girl with her head in her knees ,but when she turned around she had no eyes and he skin was decaying ,I started to bag away and she started to crawl toward me with her bones crackling as she crawled toward me he body twisting and turning every movement she made .


I was  paralysed with fear when she got close enough my mind finally told my legs to run ,so I did and before I reached the bottom of the stairs I turned around to see if it was still chasing me but it was gone it had vanished,but before I got to the 1st floor I heard Rosie scream,so I ran down the stairs as fast as I could when I got to her she was petrified, her skin was pale and her body looked so  frail,she was trying to tell us something but she could only mouthe her words when she finally got it out she stuttered her words she said " w e ne ne  ed T t to le le a ve N O W"!!!(we need to leave now). We took as a warning and we all ran for the front door ,but to my horror it wouldn't open.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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