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It was a dark stormy night. A couple was huddled in a corner of a small wooden cabin, facing the wall. They whispered back and forth, frantically. The rain beat down on the roof. Thunder boomed. Lightning flashed. The couple conversed.

There was a boom, but it wasn't thunder. The door had blown open, slamming against the wall. The father in the couple's nose twitched and he stood abruptly, spinning to face the door, but it was too late. Before the black haired man could raise his arm to protect his face, the wolf was on him. The wife screamed as she watched the black wolf tear into her husband. She curled in on herself, holding a bundle of blankets close to her body.

When the wolf was finished ripping the black-haired man to shreds, it faced the brunette woman, who was sobbing. Lightning flashed, and the wolf was no more. In it's place was a large, muscled man with electric yellow eyes and buzz-cut black hair.

"Give it to me!" The man growled, holding out a scarred hand. Though terrified out of her wits, the mother shook her head; no. "Give it!"

He lunged forward, and in a blink, blood splattered the wall and the woman went limp. The man pulled the blankets from her arms, staining the blue with splotches of red. As lightning cracked and thunder roared around the cabin, the course man gently pulled a blanket from the sleeping infant's face and gazed down at him. 

"Don't worry, Gabe..." The man muttered, moving a piece of brown hair from the baby's face. "I won't let them take you from me. Not ever."

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