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I've given all of me, but it ain't enough to fulfill her needs
I've given everything, yet it ain't precising enough
Feels like...you just shattered my heart 👎, didn't mean it of course

I tried to make her smile even though she's  a grievance
I tried to prove to her... what do I even bother?
Feels like I'm reaching for the stars, but heaven isn't loving me 💙

For I'll never be good enough to be your type, but I keep on trying
And you just keep on tearing me apart 😟
What have I got to do?😔

I just want you to look at me and see that I can be what you love... See that I can be  💖worthy💖

This poem isn't my type of poems but I had to do this and keep the storyline running... Hope y'all enjoying at least

An Aura Of Love { Paused }Where stories live. Discover now