Chapter 2

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I didn't sleep at all last night, I know it seems stupid but I cried. I cried because I couldn't believe what was happening. I'm in love with Jack and Finn decides to kiss me. I am gonna be totally honest, the kiss was incredible, his lips were soft;Finn was so charming. But Jack, I knew Jack way before and I know every little detail, flaw, and perfections in him. I need to pretend that nothing happened, I have to try and pretend I don't like Jack. What I have done basically all my life, pretend.

I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and did my hair. I made sure my eyes weren't puffy, and grabbed my favorite shorts and a tank top with some vans. I took a deep breath and braced myself for today. I heard a knock on the door.

" Kate, are you up? It's me Jack."

" Oh-uh, you can come in."

" Good Morning sunshine. How'd you sleep?"

" Um, good. How did you?"

" I hardly slept, I was excited you were here."

" Aww, you're sweet. I'm glad to be here."

" Oh, sorry my parents aren't here to meet you."

" Oh don't worry about it, it gives me more time to prepare."

" Great, well breakfast is ready so can you help me set up the table?"

" I'd love too."


" Where would you like to sit Kate?"

" Anywhere really, I don't mind."

" Fine you'll sit near your best friend"

" Haha, that would be great."

" Okay, here are the plates and silverware."

" I'll get the napkins."

" Thanks Kate, I'm gonna go wake up Finn."

Once he said " Finn" I got extremely nervous. I know it wasn't me who kissed Finn but I felt guilty.

" Good Morning Kate."

" Hey Finn." I didn't bother to look at him.

Jack put his arms around me and I quickly moved away.

" Umm, what do you guys want to drink, I'll get it for you..."

" Don't be silly Kate, I can get them" said Jack

" No, I want to get them."

"I'll help you." said Finn

" NO! It's okay, really."

", okay. I'll have some coffee and Jack, what would you like?"

" Orange juice." Jack said, giving me a concerned look.

" I'll go get them."

I absolutely did not meant to raise my voice, especially so early in the morning. I just can't handle anything that's happening right now... I can't just pretend like nothing happened, I thought I could but I was completely wrong. I opened the fridge and poured Jack's orange juice then started Finn's coffee. I heard Jack and Finn whispering to each other and I quickly got nervous.

- Jack -

Something is wrong with Kate and I must find out what's bothering her. I've liked Kate for quite sometime now and it's hard seeing her upset. I enjoy seeing her smile, hearing her laugh, talk, and just be herself; Oh and her eyes sparkles! Ugh, Jack. Stay on topic, Kate is upset. It's strange that she's already mad about something and it's only her second day here. I quickly assumed it was Finn's fault. " Finn? Do you know what's up with Kate?" Finn gave me a nervous look, already being all suspicious. " Uh no, maybe she's homesick or something." Finn could be right, maybe she is homesick, but he didn't look so sure about it. If I can I'll get Kate to open up to me.

" Here's your orange juice Jack, and Finn your coffee." said Kate with the fakest smile I've ever seen.... Fakest? Is that even a word? Point is, I know Kate long enough to know she's faking it. We sat down and ate our breakfast with an awkward silence, all you could hear we're the our forks tap against our plates. I need to talk to Kate, I don't like this.

" Finn can you do the dishes this time? I wanna take Kate to the park."

" Yeah sure, have fun guys."

I grabbed the keys and looked at Kate, she smiled and went back to her room to grab a coat. It's pretty chilly here in London so I grabbed one myself.

We both went outside and jumped into the car. I turned up the radio and the song " Good Time" by Owl City ft. Carly Rae Jepsen was playing I glanced at Kate who was singing along and decided to sing too.


By sing I meant scream the lyrics. I look at Kate who was know laughing hysterically, see? That's the smile I love. She looked at me and was ready to scream the next lyrics.


We stopped at a red light and kept screaming and dancing in the car, getting really strange looks from everyone, but us being us, we couldn't care any less. These are the times I treasure the most, when me and Kate just forget about the world and just be happy. The light turned green and I quickly made a turn, the song was just about to end. We got to the park but Kate was really into the song, so I waited before shutting the car off. I hope to find out what's going on with her today.

" Hey Jack"

" Yes Kate?"

" Uhh, I-I just wanted to thank you for letting me stay at your place."

" Oh there's no need to thank me really. Can I ask you something?"

" Yeah, but only if you can... CATCH ME!"

Kate opened the car door and began to run towards the park, I chuckled and ran after her. We looked like those cheesy couples on movies but I really like it. After running for a few minutes I managed to catch her, I caught her by the waist and spun her around, looking even more cheesy until I fell. We laughed at each other and sat up. She brushed the grass off her then looked at me and smiled.

" Now Jack, what did you want to ask me?"

" Uh- yeah, Umm... Don't get mad for me asking."

" Jack, you can ask me anything."

" What's really bothering you?"

She quickly dropped the smile and breathed heavily. I didn't mean to get her upset but, I just need to know. I want her stay to be pleasant for her. It's not my fault I'm so concerned.

" Oh, what makes you think I'm bothered?"

" Kate, I'm your best friend, I can easily tell when you're upset about something."

" I'm just missing my grand parents that's all really."

" Why didn't you tell me?"

" I don't know but, I'll get over it. I can call them later."

" If anything else bothers you, you DO know you can tell me anything."

" Yeah, I know Jack."


After spending sometime at the park, we grabbed some lunch and made our way back home. I thought she was gonna be upset at Finn or something. I didn't want to upset her more so I just stopped questioning her after she told me she misses her grandparents, I know how it feels to miss someone really close to me. Like when she lived with her grandparents and every time we had break from University, she would fly back to them, and me loving her, it's really really hard when she's gone. Anyways, we got back home and Finn was out with some friends so Kate and I decided to chill and watch a movie.


Yeah, I know, I know. This chapter is kinda suckish, but I hope the next chapter will be good and I'll try hard to make it good. Drama will be coming soon, promise. Who do you guys ship? Jack and Kate or Finn and Kate? Let me know. Anyways, I love you guys

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