What You Want, What You Need (Chapter 9)

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(Katie's P.O.V.)

It's a beautiful Saturday morning here in Vancouver, so beautiful that I decided I should go out for lunch later today instead of stay here in my apartment. And since I didn't want to go out alone, I called Josh to see if he wanted to join me, and fortunately he said yes. He even offered to drive. So at 12 Josh picked me up and we headed downtown.

"So where ya wanna eat?" Josh asked asked, looking at me for half a second before focusing back on the highway.

"We could go to that poutine place you freaked out about." I laughed.

"Yes! I should've thought of that. There's just one problem though."


"I have no idea where the fuck that is."

I pulled out my iPhone from my purse. "Don't worry, I'll ask Lexi."

hey, where is marcos? I texted. About a minute later she texted me back and said robson square.

When we arrived downtown, we found a good parking space near Robson Square and after we parked, we walked around until we found Marco's Poutine.

"Wow, this place looks nice." I said, after taking in the medium-sized poutine resturant. It wasn't fancy enough to only welcome people who are filthy rich, yet it wasn't dull enough to be on the corner of a never-too-busy street.

Me and Josh walked up to the line that wasn't too long (fortunately) and when we got to the front, I ordered a small poutine with bacon and Josh ordered a medium poutine with beef. We walked over to a table in the back corner after we paid and sat down on the cushiony chairs.

"You know, you and Lexi seem really close." I said, trying to start a conversation.

"We are. We've known each other since we were 5." Josh said with a simle, then took a bite of the poutine.

"Well that explains it. But when I say really close, I mean reeeaaaalllyyy close."

Josh swallowed and raised an eyebrow. "What are you trying to say?"

"Sometimes it kind of looks like you two are...you know...together."

Josh looked at mefor a few seconds, then started to laugh. He paused long enough to say, "Me and Lexi? Together?" then started laughing again.

"So you're not interested in Lexi?"

"Hell no! We're best friends. I'd never like her that way."

When Josh said that, it made me feel relieved. But at the same time... it didn't. The way he said that didn't seem too convincing.

 "Josh, can I ask you something?" I asked after taking a small bit of this delicious poutine.


"What made you so attracted to Amanda? What do you love so much about her?"

"Why do you want to know?" I think  I'm making it sound like I don't like the girl. To be honest, I don't really think anything of her. I don't even really know her.

"I'm just curious. So what is it?"

" I don't know...she's funny, intelligent, talented, creative, outgoing. She really knows how to have a good time, and she's really honest. Her sense of style's kinda cute. She's just so damn beautiful. Inside and out."

"So thats the type of girl you're into?"

"I don't really have a type. If they can make me laugh, be loyal to me and have a beautiful soul, then I'll love them."

What You Want, What You Need: A Marianas Trench StoryDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora