Chapter 5: First Fight

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The sun started to rise and Toriel had left to do something. I sat there staring out the window at the sun bored out of my mind. I search around the room, there has to be something to cure my boredom, and I didn't want to leave. I don't know if m-Toriel will be mad at me.

"My child?" Toriel asked, opening the door.

"Y-yes." I answered, dropping a twig that I was messing around with.

"I have to go do some things. You will be alright here, please do not enter the basement."

I nodded in acknowledgment.

"I will be back, my child."

Toriel left, leaving me again in boredom.

I got up, and decided to leave my room to go exploring, there was no doubt that this is bad idea, but then again I am the stupid kid who decided to climb a mountain and fall into a hole.

I open the door walking out of the house, everything was the same. Taking a breath, I make my way backward exploring the places that Toriel just dragged me through. I place a hand on the wall, it felt (Smooth/Rough).

Everything suddenly turned black, like when Flowey tried to kill me...

"What?!" I squeaked.

A frog like monster? Sat in front of me.

"Hello?" I asked.

No response.

The frog like monsters jumps at my (Soul Color) colored soul. I quickly wave is out of the way.

"(Compliment)." I said nicely.

It blushed? And retreated. There was something shiny where it used to be, I picked it up. It was like gold? I took it, maybe it dropped it. I'll keep it and maybe return it next time we meet?

Anyways, I continued to explore back. Until I reached an area that was open before blocked by a ghost. It was sleeping, fake sleeping at least. It was really obvious that they really weren't sleeping.

"Wake up."

"Zzzzzzzzzz." It continued.

"Wake up." I repeated.

"Oh... you're still here... I guess... I should just leave... since you probably... need to pass... I'm rambling again aren't I..." It said, a sad tone to their voice.

"No, it's fine if you stay." I quickly said.

"Really? No one's ever nice to me..."

"I'm (Your Name)." I introduced.

"Oh... I'm Napstablook." The ghost, Napstablook replied.

I smiled, chatting with them for awhile.

"I gotta go, m-Toriel won't be happy if I'm not "home"."

"Oh... sorry for... wasting your time..." Napstablook faded away.

"It's fi-" Oh, well they're gone.

I quickly walk back home.

"My child! Where have you been? Are you hurt?" Toriel asked, worried.

"I went exploring!" I smiled.

"Please don't concern me like that again." Toriel sighed.

"I'm sorry." I apologized.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2016 ⏰

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