Hey, Alex...

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I run into the office hoping I won't get in trouble for being late. This hour I'm an office aid, it's pretty fun actually. I help the parents, answer phones, and give messages to the teachers. I sit down in the chair behind the desk, grateful Mrs. Mckendly is busy.

I lay my bag down next to my chair and begin to sort the papers that are scattered around the desk. Red folders, green folders and yellow folders fill the desk. 

I grab the papers and begin to put them in the correct folder that goes with the information on the papers. I couldn't help but think about what I heard. 

Before I could continue on in my thoughts I get startled, making me jump back in my seat.

"So is anyone going to acknowledge my existence?" A hand gently slams down on the desk.

I shoot my head up quick to apologize.

"I'm so sor-"

My brown eyes meet his green ones. His 5 o'clock shadow fitting his face perfectly with the structure of his face. His jaw structure is perfect. He releases a sigh while his green eyes squint. He's wearing a white button up with his suit jacket on. His white shirt is uncreasingly tucked into his black slacks with a black belt. I look up again to meet his eyes attempting to form a sentence. His jaw clenches, and his hand slowly moves from the desk into his pockets.

"Oh...Hello, Adira." His deep raspy, but yet gentle voice spoke.

"Hi, Alex." I say with a polite smile.

"I'm sorry, I'm just having a bad day, people have been getting on my nerves today." He chuckled. "I didn't recognize you at first." He said looking at me intensely. 

And that's when the phone call I over heard hit me.

I felt my eyes widen and myself slowly push my self further back in my seat.

"I fucking killed the man, Alex. What did you want be to do? Leave the fucking body for everyone to see?"

I tried my best to hide every expression that my face was trying to give off, to me I thought I was doing a great job. But my the looks of Alex face, I was failing.

"How's school going for you?" He asked before sighing.

"It's going pretty well." I said forming a fake smile.

"That's wonderful. Do you remember me coming here?"

Of course I remembered Alex. He was my Senior crush when I was a freshman.

He was so handsome, and so smart. But he failed to show his talents in class.

"You're hard to forget." I said chuckling.

I must have amused him by the raised eyebrows and smirk on his face.

He took his hand and ran his fingers through his dark brown hair shaking it for it to lay perfectly.

"Mr. Randes still has some of my papers from back when I was a student here."

"Oh nice!" Was the only thing I knew what to say. Why would a teacher keep a students work 3 years after he graduates.

"I'm here on the behalf of my father. Mr. Randes wants to have a conference concerning my brother."

"Adria, will you please escort Mr. Costanzo to the art room?" Mrs.Kendly said putting her hand over the phone so who ever is on the line couldn't hear her.

I sighed and got up, pushing in my chair behind me.

My head was starting to hurt, but being around Alex made the pain in my head the least of my worries.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 08, 2016 ⏰

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