Tribe Terms

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  • Dedicated to Tribe of Rushing Water


Healer /Stoneteller- The cat who leads the Tribe and cares for the sick cats; the Leader and Medicine Cat.

Prey-hunter- A cat that hunts for the Tribe; a warrior trained specifically in hunting.

Cave-guard- A cat who guards the Tribe's camp and territory; a warrior trained specifically in fighting.

To-be- A cat in training to be either a prey-hunter or a cave-guard; an apprentice. ( Kits become To-Bes at 8 moons! )

Kit-mother- A she-cat nursing or expecting kits; a Queen.

Caught-prey- freshly caught food; fresh-kill. 

Cave of Pointed Stones- A place where the Tribe Healer and the rest of the cats hear from the Tribe of Endless Hunting; equivalent to the Clans' Moonstone/Moonpool.

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