Chapter 5- Talking With Their Kwami's: Part 1

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After Bridgette had left, Felix was left to think about the events that had just occurred. He had never expected that to happen. He didn't think that it would go that far. He felt so guilty about what he had said. He felt numb all over and this aching pain in his chest, was throbbing with each passing minute he stood there. He couldn't move. He was rooted to the spot. A wave of nausea hit him. Hit him hard. He didn't think that her reaction would cause him this emotion. After what seemed like hours of standing there in the cold, depressing silence he finally came back to his senses. He quickly gathered his things and rushed to the limo that would take him to the Agreste Mansion, before Chloe could intercept him.

Luckily for Felix, he managed to get to the limo before Chloe noticed him. When he got in the limo he sat silently, staring off into space. Lost within his thoughts. The silence was icy cold and it felt as if you would get frost bite by disturbing the peace. However it didn't feel like peace. Quite the opposite actually. Not even Plagg dared to interrupt the silent atmosphere.

After a long car journey, they finally reached the Mansion. Felix stepped out of the limo and trudged up to the front door. He was always told to walk with a good posture like a normal, well mannered, gentleman. But now right now. He couldn't bring himself to do it. He felt ashamed. And he hated to admit it.

As usual there was no one waiting for him when he got back. He went straight to his room and collapsed on the bed. "Plagg. What happened? What did I do wrong?" Felix asked with his arm covering his face. After a long silence, Plagg finally spoke.

"You spoke your mind and hurt that girl." Plagg said.

"I didn't hurt her." Felix shouted.

"Yes, you did. Not physically but mentally. You hurt her feelings when she was trying to be nice to you. When she was the only one trying to be nice to you. Girls are very fragile. She might have appeared strong and accepting of it but I bet that right now she is heart broken." Plagg said, emphasising heart broken.

"How can she be heart broken. She doesn't even like me like that. She just has a stupid, little crush on me. Tomorrow she'll probably go back to being how she always acts around me. Like a weird stalker, pest." Felix shouted, but then suddenly regretted his words.

"Felix, you know that that's not true. She doesn't have a little crush on you. She cares a great deal about you. And what you said today to her seriously hurt her. That pain won't just go away over night. A girl can love you so much, but if you keep snapping at them and being cruel, then they will loose hope. They will give up. Things may never be the same again. She won't always be there Felix." Plagg snapped, while trying to maintain his fury.

Felix was lost. He didn't know what to say so he just said they first stupid thing that came into his mind. "You don't know that. She can't be affected by it that much."

"FELIX. You know that she will. So my advise is to apologise to her first thing tomorrow morning. You were a serious jerk earlier and you know that the least you can do is apologise to her." Plagg said.

Felix said nothing. After a while, Plagg gave an exasperated sigh and flew of in search for some cheese. This left Felix to take in and consider everything that he had said. The more he thought about it, the more he realised just how much of a jerk he had been. He didn't want to think about it any more, so he went to have a long shower. To make him have a level head and help him to think about how he would apologise to Bridgette tomorrow. After his shower, he sat down and began to do his homework. He was at it for hours because he just couldn't concentrate. He gave an annoyed sigh and looked at the time.

It was almost time for patrol. He couldn't miss it just because of how terrible he felt. He'd already let down someone today and he wasn't going to let down another person. Especially since this person was his lady. He put down his homework and quietly called out to Plagg. Knowing that he was still disappointed in him. Eventually Plagg reappeared and flew over to him. Felix wasted no time in saying,

"Plagg. Claws Out."

There was a blinding, green, flash and there was Chat Noir that had stood in Felix's place. Normally he felt happy and full of adrenaline when he transformed. However he didn't this time. And he knew the reason why. He jumped out of the window and ran to meet Ladybug. Thinking that on his way he should check on Bridgette. Just to make sure that she was ok and to prove Plagg wrong.

'She couldn't have been that badly affected by me. Could she?' Felix thought.

Hello. I'm so sorry that I haven't updated in a while but I've been really busy. Anyway here's chapter 5. This gives an insight into how Felix felt after the incident. The next chapter will be about how Bridgette felt after the incident. I hope that you'll read the next chapter and again I'm sorry for the long wait you had for this chapter. So for now, Adios👋

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