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I woke up to see Grey looking at me... "Oh, you're awake now!" I looked down at my wound and saw it was bad.... "At this rate." I thought, "I will died..." I then looked at where I was and saw that I was in a cage...The cage was dirty with old dried cake blood on the walls and a toilet in the corner of the room. I then looked at Grey who was smiling at me, he then said "The queen is the only queen in this game, you are a lowly pawn that needs to get to the other side of the chess board to become a queen..." I looked at Grey and then said "A wanna be knight, you don't see those anymore...."  Grey looked at me and then said "A queen that will forever be in the Queen's shadow...." I didn't say anything and Grey thought that he had won...  Grey left me alone in the cell.............. I waited until Grey left and then I saw a window in the cell and then I remembered once, when I was in Alice and Wonderland, I took some cake... I took it out and then said "If I get this right, the cake makes me big so, the drink makes me shrink..........." I then took out a bottle of liquid and took a drink after putting the cake back... I then shrunk, I smiled and slowly made my way towards the window....  MEANWHILE..... Ciel was listening to this song... (Play song) Sebastian came in and then said "Young master, please don't worry about Bay...." "Sebastian, why is she punishing me?" "Pardon?" "I feel like I have her yet, she always runs away from me..." Sebastian looked at Ciel and then said "The queen is coming...." "Which one?" "Bay, but, first we need to kill the other one." "How?" "I don't know..." "Now, get some sleep, you spent the night crying...." Ciel blushed but, then laid his head down and was out......... Sebastian smiled at Ciel but, then left....... MEANWHILE..... I had finally made my way to where the manor was... I smiled with myself and was about to eat the cake, when Sebastian grabbed me... ."Sebastian!" I yelled happily, "You founded me!" Sebastian looked at me and then said "Yes, I  have my kitten but, I believe that you should've not come back.........." "S-Sebastian?" Sebastian didn't answer me but, instead put me in his breast pocket and walked away.... Meanwhile.............. Grey came back into the Cell to say "The queen wants to see you...." Grey heard no replied and he looked up and saw that I wasn't there.... Grey paled and then he rushed back towards the queen... The queen was with Phipps who was severing someone tea... "Bay has escaped!" yelled Grey, "We need to..." Grey looked to see who was there, the guy got up and turned and then smiled.... "Why master Grey, what is it?" "Who has escaped?" Grey then pointed towards the guy and said "W-What are you doing here?!????" The queen who said nothing whispered to Phipps who said "Grey, her majesty will talk about your punishment later......" "Now....... shall we continue?"  "Yes, we shall...." The queen smiled and then said "I am so glad that you have made up your mind.... Sebastian Michaelis........." MEANWHILE..... Ciel woke up but, noticed something was wrong..... "Sebastian?" Ciel called out, he went to a mirror and lifted up his hair to reveal the contract.... "Sebastian I command you to come this instant!" Nothing happened.... Ciel then got dressed and then went out.... "When I find that bloody demon...." thought Ciel, "He is so going to get it." Ciel went out into the streets of London but,  all he saw was that he was people all around  talking about......... Ceil took off running and went to the last person that he wanted to meet..... Ciel walked along the streets of London to the Undertakers............  Turns out that the undertaker was not in, so Ciel caught a ride with a guy who ditched him............... Ciel walked the whole way back to London and was tired so went to get a room unfortunately, he had no money and ended up spending the night in an ally in the rain.....  Ciel didn't know that Sebastian, Grey, Phipps, and the queen were watching......  Ciel then realized that he had to go to the queen.... Ciel  walked along the street of London but, then saw a ship and got on it.. Ciel was sailing to the Queen's palace when, he saw all of East London burning... ....... Ciel ran up to the owner and demanded that he gets back to London.... After giving up his ring, Ciel get back to London and ran towards the fire... Where he met three people shooting tranquilizers at the demon hound... "What are you three doing?!?" "Ah!" The three people turned and then said "We are trying to stop him yes we are." "Wah!" "Were running out of tranquilizers." "Use real bullets don't waste your breath on that demon!" Sebastian's eyes went wide when he heard that...... Ciel left the three and ran into the palace........ The queen retired to the palace... Phipps and Grey where still with Sebastian..... "Such an impure place." said Grey, "The queen said that Ash had almost completed it when, she had stopped her...." Grey realized that  Sebastian never answered, so he looked and saw that he was gone.... "Phipps go to the queen and tell her that Sebastian is gone........" Phipps said nothing but, left............... "You will regret this.................."

Who is Kage and what does he want? Book 2 of: what is red and what is blue?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant