The Forrest

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The Forresti held me against his chest , swaying from side to side. Oh a dance! The inn was filled with notes and echoes of the lutes and violins. Men and women were all circling around the hall , most eyes attentive to the Forresti instead of their own partners. The fire illuminated him so there was an orange-tint to his skin , the air around us felt lighter , there was a forrest-like aroma roaming about us. Lovely. Somewhere in the crowd of people a high-pitched man shouted in excitement "Dance!" to the Forresti.

"Salutations madame." His voice was familiar , I was close to remembering until he yanked me over. My back rested in his arm , the man's grey eyes locked with mine.

"Quite the abrupt welcoming for me."

"Quite." His accent , unmistakably from the Riverside Regions. His voice was soothing and deep along with his sophisticated-sounding accent , it fit well with his Forresti title. I was starting to recall again. With another sudden jerk , I was plopped back up , beginning to sway to the music  once more.

"What brought you back to the town , Forrest-life is not a bore is it?"

"Of course not , I've come back to revisit my past simply put."

With a sudden twist  of his arm , he held me by the stomach with my back against his plaid shirt. His nose was close to my head , I was flustered. He can dance with some real flair!

"You smell lovely , like the flowers of winter"

"Have we met prior?"

"I-" The man looked away , a frown flashing on his face for a mere second. "I reckon it be when I was on patrol ,  madame."

It felt like it meant more , as if we weren't just passerby acquaintances.

"Perhaps somewhere on the mountains." He smiled through his beard , his words sounded like of concern it had an anxious tone , do I look unhappy?

Once the music stopped , the man let go of me staring down. Those uniquely colored eyes , who is he? My eyes scanned him , analyzing every inch of his face in hopes that I would understand this nostalgic feeling he brought me. Those metallic-grey eyes , they remind me of-

"Are you fairing well madame?" The Forresti abruptly spoke  , completely shattering my chain of thoughts. Damn the divines!

After a long moment of silence , his palm slowly grasped mine , lightly prying open each finger. I felt a cold object touch my hand as he pulled away , releasing me and walking away. The soothing pine-smell from him disappeared and the smell of wine quickly overpowered my nose.

Who was he?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2018 ⏰

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