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41) Everyone's watching you open your presents and waiting for your reaction

42) Santa has the same wrapping paper as your mum

43) You want to cough but the room is silent

44) You're talking and you realise no one is listening so you just trail off

45) You start laughing at a joke you heard two days ago and everyone stares

46) You don't want to tell someone they've misheard you so you carry on with a completely different conversation

47) You're chewing gum and it just pops out of your mouth

48) Your high five gets rejected so you just casually play with your hair like that was the plan all along

49) Your parents guests arrived and you didn't make it to your room in time so now you have to socialise

50) You're that one friend who always gives relationship advice but is still single



What is the most awkward moment?

CONTEST: I would love to hear about awkward moments that have happened to you guys so leave your story in the comments and I'll pick the funniest and most awkward and it will be in the next chapter. I will also read one of the winners books. Can't wait to see how this goes. :)

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