Our Dark Room

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In my dreams
you're crawling back to me
on skinned knees
eating from the palm of my hand
saying you'll always love me
but it's too late
I've heard too many lies to believe

so I'll only speak in riddles
I'll twist all my words
to change your mind
until your hope will wither
as I take all your joy
and make it mine

standing in the shadows
waiting for you to fall
silence strangling your spirit
crying while you crawl

beg for more forgiveness
head in your hands
praying for my kiss
well she may have your body
but I am always going
to keep your bliss

baby your pain is gonna equal mine
if it's the last thing I do
till the day you breathe your last breath
you won't forget that I love you

Click. Click. Click.

Sounds of Mark's Hasselblad camera could be heard. Well at least to the person behind the camera lens. The Dark Room was a mix of black and white furniture, bright camera lights and very clean objects. In the corner a trolley could be seen with many utilities on it; syringes, drugs, film, duct tape etcetera.

The white backdrop commanded attention to the centre of the room. It served as the canvas of the particular artist. It would capture the moment of innocence within a single frame. However, Mark Jefferson wasn't the one capturing innocence today - he was the one being captured and framed. Maxine Caulfield stood behind the digital camera. Mark had taught her all she needed to know about the camera and how to use it. For most models, he'd dose them himself and then take the shots. Max was still new at this, and Mark decided he'd dose himself knowing his body weight and size. Max would take the shots.

"Always take the shot."

That's what he taught her and she hoped to make him proud.

Max's footsteps could be heard as she moved closer to him, posing him how she wanted. Fuck, he's so damn hot like this... Max could never see him in the most innocent and vulnerable state. As Mark always hid that side of himself. Even in his sleep he looked to be fighting. This was the most vulnerable she'd ever see him. And in truth it turned her on - a lot.

She moved to place his hands differently, untying them. She loved the feeling of his large hands, to her it was a sign of manhood and strength. She felt safe with him and knew he'd always protect her. She splayed him out so that he looked more open in his body language rather than twisted into the fetal position. He one hand lightly draping over his hip while the other one was facing upward by his face.

"Truly beautiful."

She took a few shots, some far away and another up close. She moved to straddle his hips, taking another photo. She bit her lip, already feeling the effects he had on her. It was always going to be him. And this was the most intimate she could feel with him. Max bent down to kiss him, his soft lips against hers. She didn't feel any restraint and she loved it. She parted his lips with her own before backing away to take another shot, but this time his eyes fluttered open.

"Max..." His voice sounded strained and tired.

She stroked his face gently, wearing a small smile. "I hope that I'm doing a good job. I want to make you proud. And you've been such a good model. I never thought I'd ever be this close to you."

Mark gave a lazy smile. Max thought he never looked happier. Because of their relationship, he finally had a partner who could understand him. She wanted him to share everything with her and know it would always be theirs. Forever.

"I love you, Maxine."

Max grinned and took another shot of him. His face was so pure and beautiful. He truly looked happy and that was all she wanted. He laughed lightly, moving the camera out of the way before bringing her down to kiss him. Even drugged he was stronger than her.

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