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I had to change their birth years so they could be college age lmao

"Bitch slap that mother fucker".

"Taehyung I can't bitch slap my professor".

"Why though"?

"Assault charges".

"That's not a thing".

Before Jimin could answer Taehyung, a tall boy ran up to their table.

"Taehyung the drama teacher wants you".

"Already Tae? It's our first day". Jimin sighed, talking in English.

Taehyung was not so subtly staring at the boy, who blushed red and looked at the ground.

"I'm just gonna ya know... blast off". Both of the boys didn't pay any mind to Jimin and he scowled before grabbing his bag and wandering off to explore the campus.

He remembered that he was suppose to meet his music theory professor about the project that was assigned, so he quickly turned to find the fine arts building.

When he finally got there he knocked on the door, not wanting to just walk in when somebody was playing the piano. Beautifully he added.

The door opened and his professor smiled at him before letting him in.

"The project will be due in a month. It might be hard to concentrate in our class, and I do talk fast so that'll be a little bit of a problem for you. You'll need to compose a lyrical piece with a partner, which is why I decided to pair you up with my best student".

Jimin stared at his professor, silently pleading for her to repeat what she said slower.

"I-I didn't u-uner...stand"? Jimin quietly whispered, trying to remember how to pronounce the word.

"You didn't understand me"?

Jimin felt his cheeks flare as he looked at the ground and nodded.

When he looked back up he was met with a pale boy with pink hair, who despite his cute appearance, seemed as if he would rather be dead to the world than be stuck working with Jimin.

"This is Yoongi. He is the best music student I've ever had, so I figured that it would be best if you two worked with each other".

Yoongi glared at Jimin and the shy boy could only stare at the ground, trying to calm down the red on his cheeks.

"Alrighty then. You two can work on the music in here for a bit. I'm going out but when I come back I need you two out because I have a class".

Yoongi nodded while Jimin looked lost as he tried to figure out exactly what the professor was saying.

After she had left, Yoongi crossed his arms over his chest as his eyes squinted at the smaller boy.

"What's your name"? Jimin jumped at the deep voice before glancing up, then shooting his gaze back to the floor.

"P-Park J-Jimin".

The other boy snorted before leaning on his other foot, not even attempting to hide his annoyance.

"Your name's Park"?

"S-sorry. Jimin. My name's Jimin".

"Alrighty then. The equipment is set up in the recording studio in the back, Ms. S showed me the clips of you trying out for the school so you can do the vocals".

"What y-year were y-you born"?

Yoongi looked surprised at the question as he tilted his head to the side. Jimin couldn't help but compare him to a kitten. He was cute but he seemed kinda done with the shit Jimin hasn't even done yet.


"Oh! You're my hyung"!

"I'm your what now"?

Jimin felt his head droop a little at the realization that literally nobody knows about Korean culture here, and Jimin could tell Yoongi was Korean so he at least expected Korean families living in America would teach their kids like they do back home. He read that in a magazine on the flight over here though.

I wanna go home

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2016 ⏰

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