Is it a girl or a boy? Maybe A kitten?

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"M' lady" Chat said looking at Ladybutt.
"Yes kitty?" She replied already having enough tho they just started to patrol (PAW PATROL, PAW PATROL)

"Go on?"
"I'm pregnant"
"Chat thats not poss-"
"And it's yours"


Ladybug then attempted to actually kill her self by jumping off the eifell tower.
She failed when her powers saved her.

Well look at who didn't write in like a year? No seriously tho xD
Sorry for not writing much~
Thanks for all the support and I'll try to write more.

I'm sorry but I can't write sin for shit so that won't happen lmao.
Look somewhere else where people can actually write  some sin you sinners

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2017 ⏰

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