Oneshot 1: Happy Birthday Yuuri Katsuki

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Author's POV

It was the day of Yuuri's birthday.

Viktor and Yurio woke up at roughly 5:00 am to fix a birthday breakfast-in-bed for Yuuri.

"We're gonna make a pork cutlet bowl, right? How the hell do we do that? I don't even know how to fucking cook and you can only do microwaved scrambled eggs." Yurio whispered to Viktor, the two tiptoeing down the stairs as quietly as they can.

"I have the recipe from Yuuri's mom, don't worry son, we can probably make this without failing!" Viktor replied, slowly letting his sock-covered foot off the final step of the stairs.

"don't call me 'son'."

"Yeah yeah, son."

After a few more silent and slow steps they finally make it to the kitchen. The two go over to the sink and washed their hands. "Okay, let's start," Viktor quietly says as he grabs his phone from his pajama pocket.

(Bold is Yurio, Italic is Viktor and Normal is in-between)

"So... What do we do first?"

"Okay, so it says here that we need to 'Dust salt and pepper on the pork chops...'dredge flour..eggs...and Panko'?"

"What the fuck is dredge?"

"Okay, let's just get this over with,"

"What are you doing?"

"Looking up what dredge means.... Hmm okay, dredge is basically coating foods with dry ingredients, let's actually start now."

"Okay, but we have to wash the pork first before doing anything,"

"Uwaa, we should've done that earlier... C'mon let's do this, it's already 5:26,"

"Shittt, okay"

The two Russians start washing the pork chops thoroughly as fast as they can.



The two continue to wash it until it's perfectly clean.

"Alright, let's start the actual process, Yuratchka, if you don't mind, please get the salt, pepper and flour from the counter, I'll go get the eggs, onion and Panko,"

"Aight, I got them, what to do first?"

"Could you start by sprinkling the salt and pepper on the pork?"

"Okay, like this?"

"Yeah, like that,"

"How much do I put on the chops?"

"I don't really know,, just improvise,"

"If you say so..."

Yurio did as he was told to, merely putting a good(?) amount of salt and pepper on the chops, letting Viktor see if it was good enough, and then getting a nod of approval. And suddenly, The Russian Tinkerbell looks at Viktor, who has tears running down his cheeks.

"why are you crying"

"The onions.. they sting my eyes,"

"Lol, dad."

Yurio grabs an egg from the carton, (fail)cracks it and pours its contents in a small bowl, a few pieces of shell in it, but he scoops them out, and begins beating the egg. He pours the Panko in a separate bowl and the flour in the other.

Yuri On Ice Family AU OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now