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Victor marched down the trodden dirt path with few necessary items and his notebook in hand. He was still fuming, but the frustration was reducing down to a deep discomfort in the pit of his stomach. He had abandoned his school, his home, and his family for what? Where was he to go? Would a vague "North" be enough to give him the information he is searching for?

Victor's steps slowed and he placed his old beaten backpack on the ground. He sat on a cold grey rock and put his head in his hands. It was then that he saw it, a small oblong shape on the ground directly next to his brown boot.  He started and peered down closer at it. It looked like an egg. It's light blue shell was cracked and a faint whimper could be heard inside. 

He paused, age bringing the common sense of caution, then decided to see what was in the sky colored egg. Cracking it gently apart he picked away at the shell and slowly revealed a small eye, it blinked in the light. Its grey hue looked at Victor with fear and anticipation. 

"Oh, come here little guy," Victor picked the cracked egg up in his hand and covered it in his coat, leaving only the small slit to peek out of the faded green fabric. 

While externally calm, Victor's head was reeling, it seemed as though fate had struck again and blessed him with a dragon. He craned his head upward and looked at the trees above, there, just hidden in a crook of a tree, was an abandoned nest. It was large, about the length of Victor's left arm and consisted of assorted twigs and dry grass. 

Gently placing the small dragon in its egg on the ground Victor clambered up the tree to find two opened eggs in the next. Clearly belonging to a Wind Dragon due to the bird bones strewn about. Victor took one of the hardier pieces of the shell and put it in his pocket. He then slowly and carefully made his way back down to the petite dragon resting in the egg. Only, it wasn't there anymore. 

"Oh crap," Victor whispered to himself, as he searched through his coat pockets for the little guy, or gal. His search was to no avail and he kicked himself mentally, disbelieving that he lost an injured dragon. It was only when he saw his backpack begin to walk on it's own did Victor think to look inside. There, huddled in with spare clothing and food wrapped in paper did he find the Wind Dragon, snacking on some slightly spoiled meat found in one of the papers tied with twine. It hissed at him absentmindedly and went back to digging its way further into his pack. 

With some effort and a few swipes Victor managed to pull the rascally little fellow out of the bag and hold him in one hand. Victor stared in awe at the small reptilian settled in his hand. It's grey eyes peered at him with curiosity as its nostrils flared, sniffing the air. The light blue scales glinted in the setting sun and let off blue and purple hues. The tiny dragon flipped its tail and let out a huff of annoyance, after all, what was this large mountain of a creature doing to it anyway?

Victory cradled it more closely and mumbled to himself, "I shall name you Beelze, Bee for short, what do you say about that you bugger?" Victor laughed and fetched some more meat from his bag and fed it to the hungry Bee. Bee snorted happily and crawled to Victor's shoulder, promptly falling asleep with a full stomach. 

Victor slept soon after, only a few miles from home, and already with a new companion. 

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