The Ultimate Rainbows

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If you have no idea what's happening at any part in this chapter, go to the A/N at the end. Everything's explained there.

John POV

"And I will never, ever, love you John. How could someone? You are nothing. Nothing. Nothing, compared to him," Alex said, turning to look at Jefferson, who lying in bed with Alex.

"But... but... Alex, I--,"

"Say no more. I've already told you how I feel about us being together," Alex replied coldly.

"You-you're w-wearing my r-ring," I gasped between the sobs escaping my lips.

"I won't be for long."

And with that, Alex pulled the ring off their left hand and threw it at my feet from their position in their bed.

"Good riddance, you mistake! Nobody likes you. I can't believe you two were engaged. Nice call getting rid of him, baby," Jefferson said.

I picked up the ring with trembling hands and fled the room, shaking and crying uncontrollably. Just shaking and crying, shaking and crying...

"JOHN! WAKE UP!" I heard someone yelling, pulling me out of my nightmare. I opened my eyes in shock and saw my partner, Alex, staring at me with the most worried expression I have ever seen.

"A-Alex? What's going on? Why did you wake me up? You know I have to be able to sleep as late as I can. Sleep battles cancer. You know the rules," I said.

"Shh, I know, but listen to me," Alex said.

"I was sleeping, and then you started twitching and crying and that woke me up,-"

"I'm sorry."

"No, no, John, baby, it's fine. Really. You were still sleeping, but I knew something was wrong. I was really nervous that something had happened to you and I freaked out. I've been trying to wake you up for at least a minute," Alex finished.

"I'm so sorry," I said again.

"Baby, I'm not mad at you in any sort of way. I'm just so relieved you're okay," Alex said, leaning down and tightly, but gently all the same, hugging me.

Alex POV (because I'm mean)

Last year, John woke up, screaming, in the middle of the night with 'an indescribable pain' as he put it, everywhere. I wasn't stupid; I've never been stupid. Hearing and seeing John in so much pain...I just couldn't take it. Almost immediately, I called 911 and demanded we got an ambulance. I pulled on my gray sweatshirt, wrapped the blanket from our bed around John, and threw on my flip flops (evidently not the best choice of shoe in the middle of the winter, but I was panicking). John had some fuzzy socks on already, so I scooped him up bridal style and raced out our apartment to an awaiting ambulance. Long story short, John was diagnosed with leukemia at 3:53 AM, November 26, 2015. On Thanksgiving.

Leukemia is a blood cancer. It's very rare for people in John's age range, and treatments aren't always successful. It can ruin someone's life. It's slowly, slowly ruining John's. He has to pay for all of his medicine and treatments by himself. I help, of course, but I don't have much money.

We're not married, but we act like we are. John has a big surgery scheduled for next week, and after he recovers, I plan on proposing. I already have a ring.

John POV (again)

"I just had a really bad dream. You-you were sleeping w-with Jefferson and y-you s-said you didn't care about me and you broke up with me. I had p-proposed before the dream and took off your ring and threw it at me. Then I woke up. And, Jefferson called me a m-mistake..." I trailed off, tears forming in my eyes.

"John? You are perfect, no matter what. I love you so much, and we are going to get married, okay? I promise." Alex said, hugging me again.

"We-we're going to get married?"

Alex nodded their head against my chest.

"E-even though I'm trans?" I asked. This is always a touchy subject with me. High school was hell.

"Of course. You were brave enough to come out to me, and I'm honored to be the first person you came out to," Alex said.

"You're only saying that because you're part of the community, too," I replied, half-joking.

"No I'm not. But you know what? I'll tell you something I figured out a long time ago. Anyone who doesn't accept you or makes fun of you for whatever reason is an a**hole. A complete a**hole." Alex said, very serious. I was shocked. Alex almost never swore.

In that moment, with Alex and I cuddling on our bed, I noticed something. I started laughing.

"John? What's so funny?"

"I just realized: we're like the Ultimate Rainbows of NYC." Alex seemed confused, then got my joke and started laughing, too. We laughed and laughed for minutes, and when we stopped, both of us were in better moods. Eventually, we fell asleep that way; smiling and in each others' arms.

Alright y'all! Sorry for the lack of updates, I've been working on my novel for NaNoWriMo, which is about a queer kid in middle school. So, if you didn't get it, John is transgender, Alex is agender, and they are both pan. John refers to them as 'The Ultimate Rainbows' because they're both not the same gender they were assigned with at birth, and because they are dating. Any more questions? Comment in the comments! (Yeah Jordyn, you're a real genius. Where else would they comment? Idiot. *face-palms*)

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