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My head slowly left the pillow as i awoke, i carefully opened my eyes, glancing around my dimly lit bedroom. I rose from my bed, stretching my arms as i did so, and turning my stereo on, Sleepwalking from Sempiternal was already playing quietly so i touched a few buttons with my tattooed fingers, skipping to the beginning and turning the volume up so i could hear properly from my kitchen.

I slid out of my old sleeping with sirens tee and changed my underwear in a rush, I grabbed my Antivist shirt and black skinny jeans to throw them on, making a Lacoön of my self I ran across my room and into the kitchen grabbing a bowl and cereal from the cupboard. My apartment was covered in posters and paintings from top to bottom, the facial features on each individual stood out on each picture; Oliver's muffled hair slightly pushed down by his beanie, Andy's strong jawline and cheekbones with light shadows in his eyes, Hayley's wispy, reddy-orange hair that fell just above her neckline, they were all so perfect.

I scrambled up the last of my breakfast and placed the bowl and spoon in the sink, sort of rushing i strolled back to my bedroom mumbling along to Shadow Moses then skipping along to my stereo and swapping the cd for "There Is A Hell Believe Me I've Seen it, There Is A Heaven Lets Keep It A Secret" and quickly changed the song to It Never Ends, my favourite. As I paced around my room, headbanging along to the song, I grabbed my makeup bag and started my everyday makeup, it took me around 10 minutes until I was fully ready. When I was finished I snatched my keys from the marble coffee table in my lounge, grabbed my black studded leather jacket and flung it around my shoulders, I then unlocked the door and left my apartment to walk to work.

I worked at Inkspired Tattoo Parlour across the road from my house, I designed tattoos and tattooed people. Every day was the same there: I got a client, I tattooed them, they left, and so on. Some days were particularly odd if I had a strange client wanting a strange tattoo, but I was always willing to try it out.

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