Who's He?

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Hey guys! As you may or may not know, it's Kitty here! I really I hope everyone likes this chapter! Thank you!! (-kittygirl12 <--my account) Now, let's start!!

Zane's POV

Ugh, great. Thanksgiving is one of those days that I have to be with Garroth, Vylad, my mom, and my dad. I hate it. But the best advantage of that is that I have a choice to go to the park to eat, seeing as I never get out.

"Zane! Sweet heart, it's dinnah time! Yo' dad thanks that yo'll love the food!  Btw, Aph's mom and I are goin' to the park so yeah! You get to hang with Aphmau, yo!" My mom said from the stairs.

"MOM! STOP TALKING LIKE THAT! Also, I'm going to the park to eat my food." I said from my doorway.

"Okay sweetheart! Just hurry! I wanna hang with the girl's mom, yo!"



Third Person POV

A girl with long galaxy hair, purple sparkling eyes, a wooly coat and galaxy leggings, was walking with Aphmau.

"Aren't you so excited to meet Zane?" Aphmau asked, right before slipping on some snow.

"Aphmau, be more careful! And yeah I am excited, but you know how I am when I meet people! I can barely let out a squeak!" The other girl says.

"Oh, Kitty! You'll be fine!" Aphmau says to the girl - Kitty.

"Okay, whatever you - AGH!" Kitty says, face planting right in front of a guy who was eating.

"Aphmau. You never said that you were bringing someone over." Zane says, glaring at Aphmau.

"Zane, check your texts from me." Aphmau says back, smirking.

"Oh... Well in that case, do you need any help?" Zane asked, reaching his hand out to the girl. The girl blushed, and got help from him.

"What's y-your n-name?" Kitty says, stuttering. She whispered something to Aphmau with a sigh.

"Why are you guys whispering?" Zane asked, being suspicious.

"She's very shy around people." Aphmau explained.

"Oh..." Zane responded.

"She told me to ask you what you're eating."

"Well," Zane looks over to Kitty. "I'm eating turkey, mashed potatoes, and stuffing. Also, to answer your question from before, my name is Zane. I would have thought that Aph would've told you." Zane says, ending the last sentence by looking at Aphmau.

"I did... She forgot because she was to shy." Aphmau explained, sternly looking at Kitty. "Kitty, you need to talk to him. I will be over there, on the other side of the park." Aphmau says.

"B-But -" Kitty starts, but then Zane pulls her to sit by him.

"When she says something, I'd do what she says. I'll guess that you haven't known Aph very long?" Zane says, trying his best to not look intimidating, even though he did still have his mask on.

"Uh... N-No, I-I have n-not kn-known her v-very long..." Kitty stutters, not understanding why she was stuttering. She pulls out her phone, and types something down on her app, InkPad. She holds out her phone and Zane - whom was rather puzzled - took it.

The screen read, "You know, this would be so much easier if you weren't wearing that mask. It makes you look so intimidating! 😨!" Zane chuckled and pulled down his mask.

"Thank you. By the way... Nice freckles!" Kitty giggles and blushes.

"Oh, shush. Now, what's your name? And are you a meif'wa?" Zane asked, throwing Kitty into the corner of questions.

"I'm Kitty... And yes, that's my actual name... Also, yes. I am a meif'wa. You have a thing against meif'was?" Kitty asked, crossing her arms.

"No. I actually... Uh, nevermind..." Zane says, blushing. Suddenly, he wanted even paler than he was before. Aph's mom and Zane's mom were driving up.

"Uh, I actually have nowhere to go today... And I know that Aph's mom will make her stay. If you and I make a break for it, we might go unnoticed." Kitty says, grabbing Zane's hand and running into the trees and out of sight. The whole time, Zane was stating down at their hands. He was mildly blushing.

"Is something wrong?" Lilian says, letting go of his hand and looking at him with a blank face.

"N-No..." Zane says, about to pull his mask back up.

"Uh-uh! You're not wearing this until I leave!" Kitty says, unlatching it and taking the mask completely off. Zane opened his mouth in objection. He decided not to say anything, so he just shut it.

"Now, let's sneak to the Fro-Yo shop!" Kitty says, grabbing his hand and running again. (Author~Sama: Yeah, this is legit exactly what I would do. °—°)

"Wow, you're one of the rebellious types aren't you?" Zane grumbles. Kitty ignores his sarcastic comment.


Kitty's POV

"So, Zane! What would you do with out your mask?" I ask slyly and smirk.

"I will hurt you if you steal it." Zane growls. Someone's not in a good mood.

"But I bought you Fro-Yo! You could at least try to be nice to me." I say, pouting and taking a bite of my strawberry fro yo.

"... I should get going." Zane suddenly says, his face growing pale once again. I look behind me and sees the one, the only, Gene.

"G-Gene's here..." I whisper, meaning it mostly to myself. My eyes water up and I start to whimper. I turn even paler than Zane. Zane looks at me confused. I mouth that I would talk to him later. I grab his phone, add my contacts in them, and then add his into mine. I hesitate, wondering if I should kiss Zane on the cheek. I decide not to.

"Hurry up! If you turn paler than me, then you should hurry and run!" Zane whispers to me. I get up and run out the door. I thought I was out of sight of Gene, but boy was I wrong.

"RUN FASTER, IDIOTS!" Gene yelled. I heard him right behind me.

"DON'T YOU DARE HURT HER, GENE!" I hear Zane's voice from behind him. I burst into an alley way and I was cornered. I whirl around and was met nearly face to face by Gene.

"I SAID DON'T HURT HER!" Zane says, tackling Gene.

"Z-Zane?" I say, confused why he did that.


"Wait... What?!" Zane freaks.


Hey! So, major cliffhanger! Mwahaha!! I have plans! Big plans! *does weird hand thing* Okay, Imma stop now. You guys can guess as much as you want! Now, get prepared for shock! Love y'all!

(Word count: 1,112 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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