A Writer's Nightmare Part 5

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"I assume you've noticed I have been avoiding the topic of my family?"

I nod.

"W-well, that would be because we, ah, didn't get along very well."

He stops.

"Oh, good god, isn't that the understatement of the century?"

Tobias laughs.

"Not getting along is about the nicest and least true way of describing our relationship."

"But I suppose I ought to start with the specifics, such as who C-Cloven is. God, I can barely say his name."

He takes a deep breath.

"Cloven Grey is my older brother."

I make a note.

"He is three years older than me."

I continue noting.

He continues talking.

"I also have one younger brother. His name is Lyvis. He is four years younger than me, and he has brown hair and orange eyes."

"Also, it is worth noting that all three of us share the same birthday, October 31st."

"As for our parents... I-I really don't remember our mom at all, I don't think any of us do, actually. And... if I think hard, really, really hard, I can sort of remember someone who I think might have been our father."

"But that was when I was very young. So my clearest memories are of Cloven, and he pretty much took care of me."

"Yes, I know that seem ridiculous, but I'm stating facts. I don't remember having parents, and even though he was only a few years older than me, Cloven basically raised me."

"Although, besides making sure I had food, water, and other necessities, he never seemed to do much else with me."

"I do remember when Lyvis came into the picture well. I was about four years old and sitting on the couch, not really doing anything, when Cloven walked in. He was carrying a baby."

"I walked over, and Cloven said he was our little brother. His name was Lyvis, and there was no more questions asked by me."

"Honestly, besides being built similarly, we all hardly look like each other. I sometimes wondered if we really were brothers."

"I mean, what kind of brother would do what Cloven did to me?"

Tobias pauses for a moment, apparently steadying himself.

"I was five when it started. I was reading something, I don't know what, when I heard Cloven."

"He said he had something for me. So, like any small child, I turned around excitedly."

"What did he have for me?"

Tobias laughs humorlessly.

"A straight punch to the jaw."

"Sure, he was only eight, but he was strong. Besides, I was five, and scrawny."

"When I woke up, I was in the basement, which I'd never actually been in before, and chained to the wall."

"I-I remember being utterly terrified. I had no idea what was going on... and no clue how much worse everything was going to get."

"The door opened, and I looked up hoping it was someone I knew, someone who could explain what was happening."

"It was Cloven. For a moment I was relieved... and then I saw his face. He didn't look like the Cloven I knew in the slightest. He was smiling, the most awful, evil looking grin I'd ever seen."

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