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(A/N): Really just a collection of the fluffy one-shots that play out behind my eyelids on nights when I'm exceptionally lucky.

It was Friday night, and I had just gotten off of work. John and Ben would be waiting for me at the coffee shop, ready to dominate in trivia. Personally, I thought trivia was kind of stupid sometimes, but I still enjoyed hanging out with my friends. Tonight, Ben had said he was bringing a guest. I assumed it was some girl that he was dating, but when I pulled in, a very different realiation hit. Through the windows of the small coffee place, I saw a tall, lean man with lovely ginger hair. He wore a tight-fitting pair of dark gray jeans, a blue v-neck that was also didn't leave much to the imagination, and a black leather jacket. Hmm, I thought, not bad. Even from my car I could tell he was cute. Just don't make an idiot of yourself.

I stepped through the doors and was greeted by the smell of fresh ground coffee and the mellow sounds of an acoustic album playing softly in the background. John immediately came up and hugged me, a smile on his face. Ben soon followed, and then introduced me to his friend. "This is Tom, we work together, and he said he had nothing to do tonight so I decided to invite him."


A smile graced his warm features, lighting his eyes. He spoke with the most beautiful English accent. I shook his outstretched hand, a stupid, girlish grin on my face. And that was how it all started.

----------A few weeks later----------

Tom had been coming to trivia every week, and he was quite good at it, especially the history questions. I prided myself on literature knowledge, which Tom was also very good at. There were a few occasions though, when I actually answered some that he didn't know. I could swear that after I had answered, I caught his eyes watching me with a strange, awed look and a small smile on his lips. We hadn't talked very much other than exchanging pleasantries each time we had arrived, but we both communicated via glances and grins throughout the trivia rounds each week. He caught me staring at him once and I swear I was never so embarrassed in my life.

This Friday, I was off from work, so I walked to the coffee shop, wanting to be outside and enjoy the warm April day. The little cafe was not far from my house, so the walk was quick but definitely beautiful. I walked through the door and heard the familiar tinkling of the bell that sat above the door. I ordered my usual: a cinnamon latte. After the woman behind the counter had taken my order, I went to sit down at our usual table. No one else was here yet, so I sat and fished my worn copy of Pride and Prejudice out of my bag. A few minutes later, they called me for my drink, and I sat back down.

I was so enveloped in my novel and coffee, that I didn't hear my friends' voices drifting toward me from the counter. It was only when Ben grabbed my shoulder and yelled, "Boo!" that I became aware of their presence. My little yelp of surprise was drowned out by all three of the men's raucious laughter. I closed my book and joined in as they all sat down and the questions started.

When it came time to leave, the boys said they would be staying for a while longer, but I wanted to get home, so I bid them farewell and set on my way. About halfway back to my flat, I realized that I had completely forgotten my book on the table in the café. Sighing, I turned around. I was always doing stupid things like this.

When I reached the table, my book was still sitting where I had left it, but now there was a small piece of paper lying on the cover. On it, someone had written a message in large, neat letters: Left this with your stuff, thought it was the best place to leave it. Hope this gets to you. Do you want to have dinner? -Tom. There was a number beneath the name, and my mouth dropped open in surprise. Smiling, I grabbed my book, shoved the note into the pocket of my jeans, and headed back through the door.

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