Five Facts about Yours Truly

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I've been tagged by @NekoGirl555 (check her out!)

1. I'm of south Asian descent and so have brown skin, black hair and brown eyes which have different hues to them depending on my health (anyone else's brown eyes turn yellowy when I'll?).

2. Currently I've lost the shreds of my sanity over Spideypool. The word has become part of my autocorrect and as a fan girl I could not be prouder *sobs*.

3. NOW BEFORE YOU GO SKIPPING OVER THE WHOLE DAMN FACT, THIS IS INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT TO ME. I often get a teeny bit of ridicule for being a vegetarian against animal testing. Well here are my views, 'Kay?

We are at the top of the food chain because we eat meat and eggs and fish. I based some of my views reading full metal alchemist and realised "Yes, this makes sense to me." You see, when zee die, every element of our body will give back to the earth as we rot. It will nourish soil and plants, making them nutritious and a source of energy for herbivores. They are the second step in the food chain (first being the sun). The second step are the herbivores. They receive nutrients from the plants, making them strong and healthy and packed with meat, which is full of protein, omega fats and iron. At the top of the food chain, you have us. Carnivores and omnivores. Predators. We sacrifice animals so we can live to be big, strong and healthy. At the top of the food chain. And when we die, we lie down inside the earth on bare soil and give back everything we ever took.

However, since man has gotten more advanced and started farming excessively, we have been ruining the natural way of things. The excessive breeding we've allowed to meet the poultry demand has been injurious to our health, our money and our planet.

For example, I'm sure a lot of you enjoy chicken. Do you buy conventional or free range? Do you know that they are excessively pumped with chemicals which end up in your body as you consume them? Do you know the filthy, squalid conditions they live in their whole lives just to end up on your plate so you can eat it without a second thought? Do you know that since male chicks are not needed other than breeding, they are either gassed to death or tossed in industrial shredders?  That the mother have her babies taken from her because they weren't 'useful?'

Another example is milk. Conventional milk is often the cheapest. Its where bull sperm has been frozen for storage and then later shoved up the cow into her uterus. They repeat this process, forcing a cow to get pregnant over and over again, producing unnatural amounts of milk and health complications. At the end of  it all, the calf is taken away from her for breeding, milk or meat.

Animal waste is dumped into our water sources further limiting our water supplies. Huge areas of forests are cut down for this purpose, forests like the Amazon which has not been fully explored and could contain the cure to disease such as cancer. Not to mention, animals experience fear, happiness and anger and dream as we humans do. But we cage them up without regarding any of this.

Yes, I love meat and would like to eat it again. Yes, as being top of the food chain, it's how assert my dominance. But since we've interfered with nature so much, this doesn't apply anymore. Until we start treating animals better, be more considered of our choices, we cannot eat meat the way we do and call it the 'natural way of things.'

4. I have been told by one person I smell of autumnal spices (cloves, cinnamon etc.) and by another I smell of oranges and nighttime. This leaves me very confused about my natural scent (what's yours?)

5. I WENT TO FRANCE AND I LOVED IT SO MUCH OH MY GOD. I would love to go back but I was constipated for a week because the toilets were disgusting (we had to share a communal toilet and it was eww because the shower has bugs).

Comment if you want to know anything else (anything offensive will be blocked).


Your turn my darlings :D

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