Tagged Again?!

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Got tagged by  Name_NoName


1) Question: What are my fandoms?
Answer: My fandoms are Black Butler, Naruto, DeathNote, Attack on Titans, Soul Eater, Sword Art Online, Bleach, and Fairy Tale. (Basically Anime. :P)

2) Question: What movie did make me cry and why? SPOILER ALERT FOR ANY HARRY POTTER FANS
   Answer: When Sirius died and he was my favorite.

3) Question: Do I have a favorite subject in school?
    Answer: Yes, it is history.

4) Question: Do I want to be a great Wattpad author?
    Answer: Yes because I want to write books.

5) Question: What's my favorite holiday?
    Answer: My favorite holiday is Christmas because I get to spend time with my family and there is no school.

6) Question: Do I have a good sense of humor?
    Answer: Yes.

7) Question: Ice cream or pudding?
     Answer: Ice cream.

8) Question: Do I play chess?
    Answer: No.

Tagging peeps.


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