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"Its time to go home Taylor" Taylor's Uncle, Frank, told her, holding the umbrella over head even though she's already soaking wet from standing in the rain, looking down at her mothers grave.

Taylor snapped out her thoughts and looked at her uncle with sadness in her eyes. He looked down at her and gave her a sad smile and a nod, signalling that they should leave. She held down her head and nodded. Frank wrapped his arms around her shoulder and pulled her to walk.

They got in the car, along with Lyra, Frank's wife who is also Taylor's mom's sister , and drove back to there home. Taylor now lives with her Aunt and Uncle, since her parents are now dead. Her father died in a fatal car accident, when she was 10. The police predicted that he was either drunk, or he wasn't paying attention where he was going, and crashed into another vehicle, that both skidded off the road into the sea.

Her mom, died during a surgery. She was having kidney problems, and was smoking at the same time. Taylor didn't know that her mom smoked, and that made her angry. She always thought her mom was pure, meaning she thought she never drink, took drugs not smoked.

"Taylor?" Frank said. Taylor lifted her head from looking down at hands and tilted her head. She looked outside to see that they're not at her aunt's and uncle's home.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2016 ⏰

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