Frozen Souls -JELSA FANFIC-

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It's been just a little over three years since my parents died in that storm. It's been over 9 years since I was aloud of this wretched prison cell of a bedroom. 9 years since I was a free child. But that changes today.

Knock! Knock! Knock!
"Your majesty your coronation will start in approximately 10 minutes." A maid knocked on my white door with fancy blue swirls and flowers on it.
"Thank you, i'll be out in a moment." I replied. Looking out over my balcony I saw the masses of people waiting for the gates to open. Of course they have to open. No coronation must go without any witnesses and I don't think Anna is the most sufficient witness.

Pulling on my teal gloves I whispered "Don't let them in. Don't then see. Be the good girl you always have to be. Conceal don't feel. Don't let them know." An all too familiar saying my father taught me at the age of ten after the accident leaving Anna with a platinum blonde streak in her hair. The exact same shade as mine.

I turned suddenly my magenta cape twisting around my ankles slightly. I opened the door of my room and stepped out into the hallway which had never changed in the 9 years of my imprisonment. After a deep breath I said to some of the maids "Tell the guards to open up the gates!" As soon as those words left my mouth I instantly shook with fear.


As I stood with the residents of Arendelle outside the gates I hoped that this 'queen' would hurry up. Yes I know I can fly but it wouldn't be very courteous of me to trespass on royal territory. I then heard a fair voice from inside the castle "Tell the guards to open up the gates!" that must be her Queen Elsa. Her voice is so sweet. So scared. What could possibly go wrong?


As the coronation party started I noticed a very uncomfortable Anna stood next to me so I decided to break the silence. "Hi." I said to her hoping she'd reply.
"Hi...hi me?" she asked a little shocked I was actually speaking to her. I nodded "oh urm...hi,"
Our convosation lasted a while until a little bald man came up to the platform me and Anna was stood on

"Duke of Wesealton your majesty. would I be inclined to ask for your first dance as queen?" he asked in such a nice manner.
"Oh I'm afraid i don't dance." he looked disappointed at this so to cheer him up I said "...But my sister does..." Anna's head snapped up looking confused. I Chuckled lightly as she was dragged off into the crowd by this little man.


She was gorgeous. Her platinum blonde hair tied up in a bun far too mature for her age. I was stood quite close to her but it didn't matter she couldn't see me if she could she'd have already asked me who I was. My skin began to crawl at the heat of this tiny room, so I decided to vacate for a few moments just to cool down a bit.

The mid-summer air instantly cooled me down. I took a seat on the balcony it instantly froze over at the slightest touch. I held one leg close to he nearly hugging it while the other dangled aimlessly swinging back and forth.

After feeling much more cooler I decided to re-join the party.

"Enough Anna..." Elsa said to her sister trying to avoid eye contact with anyone in the room and turned to leave clutching her ungloved palm. The other glove was held tightly in her sisters hand.

"Why? Why do you shut the world out? What are you so afraid of?!" Her sister shouted attracting a crowd of confused bystanders.

"I said ENOUGH!" Elsa shouted swinging around her had flying out. Suddenly a large ice ring formed around Elsa sharp shards pointing at the crowd. Everyone there gasped, as did I. I thought I was alone all of these years! " Sorcery.." A bald little man whispers loud enough for us all to here.

Elsa obviously scared frightened and didn't know what to do reached for the door handle and fled the small room. I was so intrigued and worried about her I followed her.

Once we were outside in the courtyard I saw people asking her if she was alright. Scared and confused he backed up touching the marble fountain freezing it instantly
"Elsa!" Anna shouted from the palace door. Elsa scared ran for her life all the way up the north mountain.

She started singing a song her melodic voice echoing all over the icy caverns. Suddenly seeming more confident she ran up the mountain singing louder suddenly a gust of snow leapt from her palms transforming into an ice staircase it was beautiful just as she was. Halfway through the little serenade by the staircase she place one delicate foot onto the first snowy step. It instantly turned to ice under her touch her face lighting up she then started running up these stairs her arms open wide expanding the staircase to the other side of the gorge.

I watched in complete wonder as she lifted her arms up, chunks of ice and snow gathered making some sort of ice palace. When the palace was complete she sang louder. Pulling her hair out of place and into a braid she brushed her fringe back she then motioned to her dress which turned from a mint and black dress to a sheer blue dress made entirely of ice and snow as she started walking to the balcony a cape was formed agin sheer blue ice and snow wrapped around it making beautiful patterns. I watched in awe as her song came to an end an she turned back into her ice palace that glistened in the sun

"Well that was amazing." I said leaning against the balcony door.

"Who are you!" She shouted raising her hands forming sharp ice ready to fly at me.

"My name is Jack, Jack Frost. I was at your coronation. I came to help you." I answered moving closer to her.

"Help me with what?" she replied slightly confused lowering her hands making the shards disappear.

"I'm here to help you control your powers." I said softly moving closer. She was a little shorter than me giving me the perfect view of her ice blue eyes.


"How can you help me?" I asked the teenage boy that towered over me his blue hoodie moving as he breathed.

"I'm like you. Watch." he said backing up from me into the centre of me ice bedroom. He held his wooden staff close then slammed the end into the floor causing snow and ice to fly up. All of a sudden the floor of my room was covered in beautiful, intricate designs made of pure frost.

Walking around my room to examine the pattern I noticed Jack's eyes on me. All this frost on the floor made t hard for me to walk so instead of taking another step I slipped on the design below me waiting for my back to come colliding with the cold floor but instead felt my back with a soft arm.

I opened my eyes to see Jack very close. His blue eyes piercing my soul. "Thanks." I whispered. He pulled me up and tapped the floor with his staff and the frost instantly disappeared.

"C'mon lets get you up." He said so kindly breaking the silence. He walked me over to my bed to make sure I didn't slip again and sat me down.

"Are you alright Elsa?" he asked concern in his voice. I just nodded. "So what do you want to do?" he asked.

He got up turning his back on me looking outside. A smile etched its way upon my face as I make a snowball with my hands and threw it at him.

"Aw your gunna get it." he laughed running after me. So much snow had been thrown around I wasn't really watching where u was going ad slid on some snow. Jack running after slipped on the same bit of snow and came tumbling down on top of me knocking the air out of my lungs. He lifted his head up and looked me in the eyes our noses were touching.

He leaned in a little closer and-


Hey guys I'm planning in doing an alternate ending for this instead of the frozen ending so I'm cutting out the part where Elsa accidentally freezes Anna's heart please don't hate me I also typed this on my iPhone so if there's spelling mistakes pls ignore them I won't be editing until the book is finished thank you x

-Poppi x

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