Chapter 3 - Elizabeth Bridge

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"Lets go back in the attic." Aiden said. Opening the lever to the attics ladders I said- "Come Quick." Looking around for mom and dad. No sign of them. Good. It was 3 in the morning and we heard footsteps coming. But no one was there, we checked the stair where the sound came from but the footsteps continued with nobody there.  So, we followed them. But they stopped, leading a dead end.

I went through with Aiden and quietly manged to shut the lever closed. I flashed the flashlight at Aiden, who was trying to make his way in the dark. His head turned, right, left. Until he spotted something.

"Over here," he said pointing. It was a photo Album, we opened it and found the same girl who apeered   with the doll, while at dinner.

Elizabeth Bridge 14
March 12th 2009

The back of an image read. The girl was in the same position we saw her in. Head down, holding the doll like her own child, and the ripped dress- which in the picture was now a soft, light brown. The girl had black platform shpes in the picture. The girl had no bruises, in the picture.

"Lets look her up on the Internet." Aiden said claming the only avabale spot near the attic computer. Which meant I had to stand.

"How hadn't I known she was famous before?"
"She not." Aiden said with total sarcasm.

When we found that Elizabeth Bridge  had a million articals, we just clicked on the first one.

"Now read."
"Your not my boss Aiden."
"Oh but yes I am." A pause.
"Now shut up and read."

Elizabeth Bridge died in 2012 with her doll still in her hands, rumor has it she got killed for the doll. Some say the doll was a fortune. But be wise, some claim the doll is dangerous-


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