1. the begging of it all

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Meredith's POV-

it was a Wednesday morning Derek was at the hospital he took Zola to the nursery leaving me with Bailey. Bailey was crying so I had to get up  I had a shift at the hospital any way so I got Bailey sorted out, I got dressed and I headed to the hospital. I dropped bailey of at nursery and ask Zola to take care of her little brother.

I went to find my best friend Cristina because I needed to tell her something but I couldn't find her.

...two hours later...

I was getting worried so I paged Jackson but I paged 911 to him so...... I'm guessing he thought it was an a emergency. Jackson came running down the hall

"what's the matter Dr Grey sorry Meredith" Jackson asked

I replied "have you seen Cristina she didn't show up to work?"

"she's properly just sick Meredith,"

"she would of told me oh and can you ask April, Alex and every one you no except from chief Hunt if they have seen Cristina.

Jackson's POV-

"Hey April have you seen Cristina?"

"no why?"

"Mer's worrying"

"she's properly just sick!"

"that's what I said!"

"oh ha okay bye I have work to do."

"okay well if you see her tell grey bye."

then I heard some one shout I've never heard that voice before I was thinking

"DR. AVERY!"...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2013 ⏰

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