*Simba Pose*

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Hannah's Message: Hello! I really hope you like this new H&T oneshot, I think it’s one of my favourites to have written :) Anyhooo, here it is, oh for this shot, they’re married (just to save confusion!). I apologise of any grammar errors, I’m tired and ill….

“I think I’m going to head home,” I quietly inform Harry.

Conscious of the concentrated faces around me, I try to make as little noise as possible; anything to avoid Zayn throwing a handful of crisps at me again. It was a nightmare picking out the crushed ready salted snack from my hair.

“It’s only half time,” he smiles.

The gesture is warm and dimpled, and on another occasion I would have melted back into the sofa cushions, attempting a wholesome effort to be interested in a group of grown men kick a football around on the grass. I prefer hockey.

“I’m not feeling too good, just want to lie down.”

I reach for my bag by the side of the sofa, doing a quick spot-check on keys and phone. When I raise my head, I still hold Harry’s attention. He refused to take his beanie off upon entering Liam’s flat, mumbling something about “hat-hair”, and how he didn’t want the other boys making fun of him. But now I think he looks a little silly because his ensemble of clothing doesn’t make sense; a winter hat and t-shirt. But with a face like that, he could pull anything off.

“Is it the headaches again?”

The question holds concern and Harry dismissingly waves off the other boys, who are complaining about our conversation interrupting the match. I don’t want to make an issue of it because Harry knows health stuff freaks me out. I’ve been known to neglect sleep in order to stay up and google symptoms, unable to decipher if it’s a common cold or a tropical disease. Harry had resorted to turning the wifi off and then grumpily dragging me back to bed.

I nod.

“I don’t think this is normal, Teddy. We should go to the doctors.”

The suggestion strikes fear into me, enough to have my knuckles turn a bony white as I clutch the strap of my bag. However, Harry’s words are cushioned in safety; “we”, like he never even jested with the idea of me going alone. It was preposterous to think he’d be somewhere else whilst I attended an appointment, and I adored him for that.

 “It’s fine.”

I attempt a smile, trying to convince both him and myself that I feel normal. But I suppose “normal” people don’t suffer with pounding headaches on a regular basis.

“I’ll come with you,” he moves to stand.

Maybe that’s his compromise, not forcing the medical diagnosis, but insisting on escorting me home instead.

“No,” I speak, placing my hand on his shoulder. “Stay here, enjoy the rest of the night.”

He looks a little wary, defeated. I don’t like knocking him back, but if I accepted every offer Harry gave , he would be by my side 24/7. Even so, the small pout he subconsciously exhibits reminds me of a child knowing he’s disappointed his parents. 

“Honestly, I’m only going to bed anyway, there’s not much point.”

A kiss is pressed to his cheek as he glumly nods in acceptance of my reasoning. He follows me out of the living room as if attached by an invisible string - a thread that I have to unwillingly cut to part from him. I’m helped into my coat and he observes as I wrap an irritating long scarf around my neck.

“You’ll text me when you’re home,” he says, handing me the purple bobble hat.

“Of course.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2013 ⏰

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