-Chapter 1-

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Note: for placement of seats I'm going to use stage positions, Up right, down centre, etc. (Down in the back of the room.)
I'm going to be using human names from now on as a narrator, so here are the names I'm choosing:
Monaco-Eloise Lachance(3rd year)
Estonia-Eduard von Bock(3rd year)
Lichtenstein-Lilli Zwingli(2nd year)

//One Month After//


Eloise smiled at her companions as the were walking down the courtyard in the front of the school.

"It's very pink, isn't it?" She stated the obvious, "You're lucky Eduard, your uniform doesn't look like a giant marshmallow. If big brother saw me he'd be horrified."

Eduard chuckled and began opening his bag to pull out a couple more blazers.

"If you want to wear these you can, sure it will still feel weird but at least look better, you can wear it too Lilli, here." He hand the girls the blazers and they happily obliged.

"I wonder how the school is going to be like." Lilli stated looking wistfully at the school.

Eloise nodded, "Yeah, I heard that the majority of the school are people with rich backgrounds, so I'd expect most of them to be spoiled."

Lilli smiled and gave Eloise a knowing look.

"Don't give me that look!" Eloise pouted, her face tinged pink.

Eduard obviously confused, looked at the two girls.

"Ridiculously Rich Tiny Country Club..." Eloise muttered looking away.

"Oh, now I understand, but we should hurry up our pace, even if we are new, us taking forever wouldn't exactly be productive." Eduard pointed out and hurried up the steps, his bag bouncing off his leg.

(Like a satchel/rucksack type thing that holds his computer.)

The other two followed him into the entrance hall, which was crowded with students. Everyone was walking around looking for classes, or just talking with friends. Eloise started reading people's behavior and relationships, grouping people together. Eduard had begun to size everyone up, while Lilli was the one actually attempting to get to her first class.

On her way to her first class(which was math) Lilli had begun to memorize patterns and the quickest way to get to her next class of the day.

Once she had arrived at math she looked at the many empty desks in the room. Not seeing any apparent seating chart, Lilli sat down in the front row, center.

Seeing that she had a couple of minutes before the bell rang, Lilli decided to sketch in her special sketchbook a little, drawing the ribbon she always wears.

"Hello princess, what a nice piece of art," A voice that had a familiar edge to it commented from behind her.


Lilli turned quickly her hands on her pencil, ready to push him off her like big brother had taught her. But this was not Francis, just a Frenchman with a similar attitude of his.

Blushing, Lilli looked down shamefully.

"Sorry, I have a cousin that acts like you just did and I impulsively brought up my pencil to defend myself, I apologize." Lilli added observing they boy.

They were both sixteen(or at least physically in Lilli's case) and had blonde hair. She could tell that this boy was very similar to Francis, and that he would cause trouble for her in the near future.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2017 ⏰

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