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"Pick your poison."

The small dimple close to the corner of his lip is accentuated when he smiles widely. I've always found that unique feature of his adorable. I remember the first time I took notice of it, I was staring at him as he wiped tables. He looked at me funny when he caught me gawking but he just laughed and didn't make things awkward.

Shit. Looking back, I must've looked like a total creep.

The night is calm, a little too calm for my liking but sitting here on the balcony with him isn't too bad at all.

He stood proudly behind the mini-bar as three shooter glasses filled with his new 'awesomazing' (his words not mine) cocktail concoctions rested atop the marbled counter for me to try.

"None of these look safe to consume." I teased, though my gaze lingered at the glass on the left. The concoction color looked enticing, it had a gradient look to it; the hue of blue darkened towards the bottom of the glass. I think he mentioned that the drink was 70% blue curaçao mixed with vodka. I really can't remember because I wasn't listening at all. I was too distracted by the way he moved—specifically how his lips moved.

"I spy a pretty little thing, eyeing this thing." He said in a sing-song manner before picking up the glass filled with blue and handed it to me. "Come on love, chug it!"

My skin shivered when he called me 'love'. I know it didn't mean much to him but somehow my heart still skipped a beat.

"Chug it? Really? It's impossible with this petty amount of liquor." I grinned mockingly.

"Stop being such a smartass and drink!" The little crinkle on his nose when he made a face amused me. This guy never gets angry, he always has a smile on his face and a calm demeanor that everyone loves about him.

"Fine, but do know that my insurance won't be paying the hospital bill if anything happens to me," I said as I brought the shot glass close to my lips. "You'll be paying." I grinned.

"Psh." He huffed then leaned over the counter as he shook his head, smiling back.

"Well, here goes nothing." I downed the shot in one go then slammed the glass on the counter afterwards. The sweet flavor of the curaçao which blended with the strong taste of vodka immediately hit my tastebuds. "Wow."

"That's all you can say?"

I raised a brow at his remark. "What do you want me to say? I honestly think that 'wow' has said it all."

He shook his head once more as he smiled. "Tell me what it tastes like." The smile on his lips widened and with his chin rested on his palm, he gazed at me.

Under the low light and the light of the moon, he looked so perfect. A few strands of hair that hung down his forehead swayed with the wind as he waited for my answer.

I felt my heart pound in my chest and there was a strange feeling, something was fluttering inside my stomach as I found myself focusing on his lips. And it was as if something had taken over me at that moment; my hands moved and reached for his shirt.

Soft. His lips are soft.

I kissed him. I actually planted a kiss on his lips—the same lips that offer me a warm smile even on my darkest days. I thought he was going to push me away but he didn't and I was the one who pulled away. He stood still, perhaps from shock. I don't know but I also don't really care, I've always wanted to kiss him and I finally did.

This is the end of our friendship.

I thought of the worst as seconds ticked by. He gazed at me and I felt like it was the last time he'll be doing so. As thoughts scrambled inside my head I didn't realize that he had pulled me close, he gently cupped my face and I was brought back to my senses. Our lips locked together once more—slowly moving into a dance and in time with our heartbeats. 

We parted and I looked at him, I knew that this kiss may mean that he feels the same way I do. We both flashed a sheepish smile at each other as our eyes met, but there were sparkles in his eyes that I've never seen and it made me fall for him deeper.

"How about you tell me what it tastes like?" I asked softly, throwing his question earlier right back at him.

He smiled. It was a smile as bright as the moon above. He reached for my hand and laced his fingers with mine before he answered.

"Love. It tastes like love."


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A/N: I've had this saved in my iPad Notes for a while now and I thought 'I should revise and publish this...' and so I did it and voila.

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