Light and then Darkness

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Her hands were as cold as ice, and I knew that I was too late.  I shake her, waiting for her to wake up from her internal slumber, but she never did.

I start crying, knowing she will never return to me, not even for a moment.  I look down at her dark red hair that was once luxerious and beautiful, but now it was limp.  Her smile could light up any room, but now the world will just have to be silent and never smile again, now that she is gone from us all.  I cry even harder, knowing that I will never wake up next to her ever again and smell her flowery scent.

"Lucy..." I whisper to her only to hear dead silence in the room.  It was my fault that she died, she is the one that protected me from the knife.  She told me not to trust him and yet I did, I am a horrible husband to her, why must she protect me?

My hand scoots down to her wound, which was bleeding even more.  Her sky blue shirt was full of blood and some have gotten to her dark jeans.  I want her back, I want her with me, smiling at me like nothing had just happened right now.  But I know that is a distant dream because of what had just happened to my beautiful wife.

"He will pay" I growl as I stand up from my wife's corpse.  My world has gone from light to dark in such a short period of time.  I look down at Lucy and grab her cold knuckles.  "He will pay, Lucy, I promise you that" I tell her, kissing her knuckles.  I stand up from her again and leave her motionless and dead.

"Goodbye my wife, and hello Victor" I say to myself as I leave the battle ground.

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