What do you know?

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Everything fell silent, Jack just stared at the floor, I could tell he was trying to take this all in!
J:What do you know?
I looked at him in confusion,
Cas:About what?
He sighed
J:About that night Cas, the one she was going on about?
I looked at him trying to swallow my words,
Cas:Jack I don't know what...
He interrupted rudely
J:You do Cas!, so tell me what's going on!
I hesitated
Cas:Jack...it has nothing to do with you!
J:Nothing to do with me? This is all to do with me!
I smirked slightly,
Cas:Jack mate it...
J:You slept with her didn't you?
I looked at him and sighed,
I didn't want to tell him the truth, but I didn't have nothing else to say!
J:Stop hiding the truth Cas!
This was it, I had to tell him!
Cas:Just...don't tell anyone please!
He sighed loudly,
J:Caspar how could you!!
Cas:It wasn't my fault!, she was crying when she came to me I didn't know what else to do!
He looked at me and smiled sarcastically,
J:You know what...I'm done with this!
He stormed off into cats bedroom, I shook my head and slammed my fists against the wall, what have I done?

I wondered where Kelly was, she hasn't answered my texts and that's not like her!, I drove to my apartment and knocked on the door loudly,
Knock knock*
Caspar opened the door slightly and rolled his eyes when he saw me,
C:You alright?
He sighed
Cas:Not really
C:Why what's happened?
He wiped his tears as I saw Jack creeping from my bedroom,
He ran up to me, his eyes were all red, I could tell he had been crying!
C:Jack?...what's going on?
He hugged me as I felt his tears fall onto my jumper,
J:She hasn't told you?
I looked at him in confusion,
C:Told me what?...
Cas:Jack please!
Caspar looked at Jack nervously,
J:It's Kelly, she uh...
J:She's pregnant!...

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