Chapter 23

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We arrive at the Brooks' house and luckily Gina is in bed, I'm hoping Jai and Beau aren't home yet as I can't really face anyone right now, I'm only facing Luke because I have to and I appreciate him bringing me home with him. I follow Luke up to his room and I begin to cry again. "Come here" Luke insists. I run into his arms and start sobbing again, I can't actually stop. "Grab anything you want from the cupboard to wear to bed" He says walking out the room. I walk over to the twins wardrobe and grab a top which I know is Jai's, he was wearing it the day we met, I really like it, It's a grey jumper with red striped on, it looks cosy so I grab it.

I decide to sleep in just the jumper as its really baggy and goes a little bit above my knee, I wipe off my make up with some baby wipes then tell Luke it's ok to come back in. The thing I love about Luke is he knows I'm to sad to talk about what happened so he won't ask, he just respects how I am and I'm really grateful. "You're on the bottom bunk, I'm on the top, wake me if you need me" He says while giving me another hug. "Thanks Luke" I cuddle into him. We pull apart and Luke climbs up to his bed and I jump into mine. "Night Aim" " Night Luke"

I wake up to a door opening. "Luke?" I call out. I can't see properly as it's to dark. "'No, it's Jai" I hear. Great, Jai is one of the last people I want to see right now. "Can I come in?" He asks. I feel like saying no but I can't really as it is his room. "I'm surprised your not with Olivia" I say sarcastically. He doesn't reply, all I can here is his footsteps coming closer to me. I feel Jai sit down on the bed and I flinch as I don't exactly want to be around him after tonight. "Can I join you?" He asks quiet nervously. I don't answer, I just budge up so there is room for him, even though he has pissed me off, technically it is his bed? He crawls under the cover next to me but I budge up more so we aren't touching. For a minute or so it's silent. "I'm so sorry Aimee" Jai blurts out. With that I start crying again, for god sake I'm an emotional wreck tonight. "Don't cry" Jai begs, he holds out his arms and brings me into his chest, that when I noticed he was shirtless, I don't worry about that and I just cuddle into Jai. He wraps his arms around me, whilst resting his chin on my head, he is rocking me side to side gently like you would for a baby, I guess he is trying to calm me down?

"Are you ok now?" Jai asks, I'm not ok but I'm better than I was. I nod and he sits up. "So, what happened back there?" Jai asks calmly, he better be prepared for answer. "Well for starters she was slagging your brother and the rest of us off!" My voice begins to raise in a whisper way. "I know, but it couldn't have just been that" He says almost in a smug way. "What?" I ask, I've got an idea what he is hinting towards but I want to wait for him to say it. "Were you jealous?" He asks playing with my hair. Shit, what do I say? yes I was but that wasn't the reason why I flipped. I am lost for word I literally don't know what to say. "Aimee?" Jai says trying to get an answer. " I saw you looking at us all night" I still didn't reply. "I'll say one thing Jai, I am NOT jealous of Olivia" I say quite harshly. He then doesn't reply.

"Why did that just happen at the club?" Jai asks bringing the subject up again. I have to give him an answer, I can't keep it in any longer, it's eating me alive. "I like you"

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