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[j-hope & maggie]

hobi: when’s the last time you went outside

maggie: this morning

hobi: besides for school

maggie: when did me an tae have the fight?

hobi: about a week and a half ago

maggie: then two and a half weeks ago

hobi: Maggie . . .

maggie: hobi . . .

hobi: you need to leave your house. go outside. Meet with some friends and go shopping, or whatever it is teenage girls do in Baltimore.

maggie: im good fam

hobi: im being serious Maggie, staying locked up all day isn't gonna help either of you.

maggie: i just

maggie: can't

hobi: wym?

maggie: i want to go out. i want to meet with my friends. i want to get up out of bed on the weekends and be able to eat breakfast before 2 pm.

maggie: but I just cant.

maggie: i don't know why I'm so worked up over this

maggie: i don't know why the secret is hurting me so bad.

maggie: and i know i sound petty and like a
total bitch, but I just can't work up the courage to unblock him

maggie: i dont think it's because I want to keep him hanging or something. i think it's because I'm scared, but my mind keeps telling me it's okay to be scared, then logic tells me to not do what I'm scared of.

maggie: i don't know what to do. i just want things back how they were—im just scared.

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