Chapter 5: Stuck

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Kate's P.O.V

I hesitated before I kissed him back but I soon regreted it when he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance but I denied and pulled away. "Uhg! Why'd you pull away!?" Jason asked looking into my eyes. "Cause I hate you." I saw anger in his eyes. Before he could say anything someone started banging on the door. "Jason! Let's go! Stop rapping the damn girl and lets go!" Jason got up and went to the door. Before he opened and walked out he said "You're still an amazing kisser."

Jason P.O.V

"Alright! So what are we doing?" I asked still kinda pissed that Kate still hates me for killing her mom. It was like 5 years ago. Can't she get over it? "Grab the girl and lets go." Alex said. Alex is my older brother. He taught me everything I know tight now. Everyone around town says I'm the leader of our gang but no. It's Alex. I walked into Kate's room to see her trying to get the window open. I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. "You're not escaping me. You're mine now baby doll." I whispered in her ear. "I'll get out of here! And you know it!" she said trying to get out of my grip but failed. I turned her around and threw her over my shoulder. She started to yell at me again. I slapped her ass and told her to keep her mouth shut. She slapped my ass making me stop. I was shocked. She actually smacked my ass...? "Now you know how I feel." she said calming down a little. "The difference is that it makes me horny when you do it." I said and she gagged. I threw her in the van and tied her up and tapped her mouth shut. She started to squirm. "You're not getting away from me so you should just give up." I said smirking at her.

We came to a stop and I untied her then tied her hands together. I picked her up and brought her out of the van and we were in front of an abandoned house. The door flew open and out came Derk, Savannah, Ashley, Braden, and some other chich. Probably their new gang member. They all had guns to there side. My guys came into sight and I put Kate down on her feet still holding her arms with one hand and a gun pointed to her side. "Let her go McCann!" Derk yelled. I laughed a little and said "Or what!? Shoot me!? You can't shoot me! You'll shoot her too!" "I got good aim." Savannah said lifting her gun up but Derk stopped her. He looked at me "You'll get her back! But no promises that she'll be alive!" I said kissing her neck. She started to squirm trying to get out of my grip. "Stop. Or I'll shoot you right in front of your dad." I whispered to her and she stopped and I kept sucking on her neck. "Stop! Don't touch her!" Braden her older brother yelled lifting up his gun ready to shoot at me still sucking on her neck but my guy shot him first. He went down. Guessing he was instantly dead. Kate started squirming and tried running towards him but I had a tight grip on her. Everyone started shooting now. I grabbed Kate and got her in the passenger seat as I hoped in the drivers seat. "Hop in!" I yelled to my guys who were still shooting as they hopped in. "Say goodbye to your daughter Derk!" I yelled out laughing at him. Kate started squirming more. "Don't worry baby doll. You won't die. At least until I get a little bit of you." I said taking the tape off her mouth. "You're getting nothing from me!" she yelled. I laughed "That's what you think."

We got to the house and by now I was tired of playing games with her. I'm getting what I want from her and then she's gone.

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