Chapter 8

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~~~~~~~~~~~~Your point of view~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sat up in pain and held my stomach. I hissed a little as I looked down to see myself in a long white shirt. I lifted the shirt to see a large bruise on my stomach from where Hannibal had kicked m- Hannibal?! 

I stood up quickly and tried to run to the door. As I ran I heard a rattle behind me making me want to run faster. I managed to get a solid 4 feet from the wall before something tugged my right ankle making me fall hard onto the ground. 

I groaned and sat up holding my stomach. I turned to look at what had made me fall and I noticed a shackle and chain around my right ankle. My heart stopped as I got a familiar feeling in my body. My heart started to pound as I remembered the shackles I was put in for so many years on the boats....

The years of torture and pain flooded back into my body as I began to shake. I looked around frantically taking in my surroundings. I was in a small, dark and empty room. There was one window that looked out upon the cold, fresh snow that covered the forest. Wait the forest? This isn't the city...where am I.

I began to shake violently as I stared at the chain on my leg. I heard the door unlock as I slowly back up against the wall. "S-Stay away f-fr-from me..." I whispered coughing after. My voice was raspy and my throat burned as I coughed. The faint taste of blood lingered on my tongue as I dug my nails into the floor. 

"Awww don't be like that kittin." Hannibal said as he closed and locked the door behind him. He slowly walked over seeing how I would react to it. I growled and backed into the corner firmly pressing my back against the wall. I brought my knees to my chest and held them tightly.

Hannibal's expression had changed from the one I had seen last. He seems hurt...sad almost. "Come here..." he said softly as he got down onto his knees only a few feet from me. I glared as tears formed in my eyes. I was so confused, why was he not hurting me...

Fear, confusion, sadness, and betrayal flooded through me as I began to cry. "Get away from me you sick freak..." I growled trying to stay strong even thought I was scared. He fed off of fear...he was a heartless monster..I couldn't let him know I was weak. 

Hannibal's expression changed back into a glare as he grabbed my chain next to him. "I said come here." He hissed as he yanked the chain, dragging me closer to him. I screamed and tried to scoot away but his hand shot out and grabbed my ankle. I continued to scream and kick as he grabbed both my ankles. He tugged once more dragging me back. 

I felt his hand grab my thigh while the other clung to the shirt in an attempt to pull me to him. I kicked his leg hard making him grow angrier than before. He grunted a little and let go. I tried getting back up but I felt a hand grab my shirt and pulled me back. I fell into his lap as my back firmly pressed up against his chest. 

I tried struggling but he tightly held my arms. I screamed and tried fighting but my body gave out quickly. I felt tears rolling down my cheek as my voice cracked. My throat felt raw as a small drop of blood rolled down my lip and onto my chin. I began to shake as fear flooded my body."Ssshhh it is okay Y/N.." he whispered into my ear softly. The sound of his voice was so charming and inviting...It sounded like the Hannibal I thought I knew....I wanted to listen to him talk for hours..His voice calmed me as I slowly stopped shaking. I wanted to- NO. STOP IT BRAIN.

He slowly let go of one arm seeing how I would react. I tensed a little but didn't try and fight him. My body was to weak. He slowly moved his hand up and touched my chin. I jerked once but he squeezed my arm tightly. Once I stopped moving he proceeded to wipe the drop of blood from my chin. He pulled his hand back and I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. I could see him lick his finger from the side of my eye. 

Disgust flooded me as I growled softly. "Get away from me. Let me go home. I don't want to be here.." I whispered scared to what he might do to me. I felt his grip tighten making me whimper. I could hear his breathing change to a deeper, more intense breathing pattern. 

"You don't mean that..." he growled as his voice slowly raised. "I saved you from a life of abuse! I saved you!" He yelled as he stood up still holding my arm. He pulled me up and squeezed both my wrist. I whimpered as pain flooded my body. 

I stared up into his eyes terrified. I felt my heart pound as he pushed me back into a wall. My eyes widened as he suddenly had my hands pinned by my head. "You didn't do anything for hurt piece of shit!" I growled wanting to remind myself of everything he has done to me. I spit into his face angrily and tried getting away.

He threw me to the ground and wiped him face angrily. "Fine. You don't want to stay with me." I heard a click as I looked through my hair up at him. He walked towards me with a knife in his hand. My eyes widened as tears began to fall. I went to stand but he was already on his knees straddling my waist. 

I slapped and punched his chest while screaming and begging for someone to help me. Hannibal pinned my arms above my head with only one hand. I kept kicking as much as I could only to feel a cool blade against my throat. "Hannibal please don't!" I begged in my raspy, weak voice as a tear rolled down my cheek. 

He raised the hand with the knife and let it dropped. I tightly closed my eyes waiting for the blow. It never came. I opened my eyes to see the knife stabbed directly next to my head. I looked up to see him hunched over me. He was breathing heavily as he moved his, now free hand, to under my chin. He made me look up at him as he stared into my eyes. 

He continued to straddle my waist as he stared down at me. I looked back up and blushed softly not knowing what to do. I felt my heart race as I couldn't help but look at his lips. I clenched my jaw as I felt vulnerable under him yet oddly attracted. "Y/N, was it you who was on that ship?..."

I stayed silent and slowly nodded. I opened my mouth to say something but I felt pain in my throat as blood dripped out. Hannibal slowly loosened his grip on my wrist as he moved his head closer to mine. I closed my eyes as my heart pounded fast. I could feel his breath against my lips as he gently brushed his lips over mine. 

I panicked unsure of what to do as I felt him gently lick the blood on my lip. I blushed dark red not knowing how to react. I moved my head and looked to the left. He looked shocked as if he hadn't just kidnapped me and hurt me. "Hannibal what are you-" I was cut off as I felt a soft kiss on my neck and a tear hit my cheek. 

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